View Full Version : Which 6.5mm for an encore pistol?

05-25-2010, 12:21 PM
I am wanting to buy an encore pistol, and I want to know which 6.5 mm chambering. I am considering a 6.5 BR or something in that neighborhood. Any suggestions?

05-27-2010, 11:27 AM
Redram, Many years ago I called TC to ask about the various chamberings available and their relative accuracy. At that time (Contender only) I was told the most accurate chambering they had was the 6.5 TCU even though it wasn't the most popular. They said it is because it is a mm instead of a .264 TCU. I didn't get that caliber but it isn't because it is a mm. I am a large fan of the 6.5 caliber rifles. I imagine the 6.5 TCU is still available from their custom shop, even though it is not a normal chambering.

05-27-2010, 04:13 PM
You just made me rethink my choices. I was originally wanting a chambering with a bunch of power, but the 6.5 TCU seems to be what I am looking for. A small to medium capacity round with a high bc 6.5 bullet.

Is there a 6.5-250 or something smaller than a 260 Rem?

06-03-2010, 09:42 AM
Old steel mover here, there are several 6.5mm cartridges specificly developed for the handgun. The 6.5 TCU is at the very bottom of the power scale but is accurate. The 6.5 BR has the same capacity as the 6.5 TCU (35-36 gr) as does the 7mm versions of each cartridge. Odd, but true. Now upping the scale a bit you come to the 6.5 IHMSA which is a 300 savage based cartridge of 47 gr designed for handguns (your 250 answer) but dies may be a problem and then a cartridge specificly designed for the TC, the 6.5 JDJ, based on the 225 Win 45gr (all stuff available from JD Jones) also an excellent choice for the Encore. I have owned most of the chamberings over the years and all are excellent performers. However, I have two favorites, the 6.5 BR and the 260. The BR is extreamly accurate but limited in capacity for hunting. The 260 at 55gr is also extreamly accurate, a factory round, and can be loaded down or up to give you all you want in velocity, accuracy and yep, muzzle blast. Just stick with the 14 inch barrel in a 260. If you need a 10 inch, go to the BR or JDJ.

If you do a BR, you can make your own dies by using bushing insert dies and starting with the 7mm body, just switch the expander to a .264 and figure the sizing bushing as normal. Buy 6mm BR brass, expand the neck and fire form. It is a very simple round to make.
Best of luck.

PS if you need load data I still have mine for the 260 and the BR, both were XPs. If you want a package deal give JD Jones a call, he answers the phone at SSK.

06-04-2010, 02:06 PM
What about the 6.5x47 Lapua? I have read some articles about it being a perfict whitetail round. The article was written a few years ago, but not much since.