View Full Version : question about TrailBoss powder

06-01-2010, 09:49 AM
Out of curiosity would it be possible to substitute trailboss for blackpowder at a volume for volume basis. I noticed that on IMR website that for a 300 gr. cast bullet the pressure curve was in the trapdoor range. So i was wondering if this would be possible or would it be downright dangerous. Food for thought for by brain.l

06-01-2010, 01:41 PM
volume for volume, not really, but with trailboss what you do is dip a caseful of powder to where the bottom of the bullet would set. Weigh it. 85% of that is your starting load, 95% is your max load. 95% is not your max load because it would be dangerous to go above it but instead I have found that loads above the 95% range are not only noticeably dirtier, and in point of fact seem to be slightly slower than those in the 85%-95% range. You can load a compressed load and it doesn't perform as well as a non-compressed load and thus has no point. Your results may vary I have found that around 90% to be the best loads for accuracy. I have now loaded trailboss in 30-30 winchester with great results doing this, and in 38 special as well. At some point I am also going to load it in 45 colt, and 45-70 gov. Trailboss has an extremely mild recoil, and makes for just pure fun to shoot.

I have found trailboss to be a little dirty in some pistol loads, in rifle loads it was by far the cleanest shooting powder I have used so far.


06-01-2010, 05:26 PM
Because of the low pressure, i was wondering if it could be used it blackpowder. As far a technology has come, you would think that they would have come up with a smokeless powder that is a direct substitute for blackpowder. Anyway, it was just a thought, since i noticed it has a low pressure curve.

06-02-2010, 10:09 AM
You can use it pretty safely in good working stout firearms that are chambered in blackpowder cartridge calibers. IE I will be using it in my 45-70 and 45 colt. I would not however pour it down a muzzleloader barrel.


06-02-2010, 11:32 AM
There were some direct exchange bulk smokeless powders in the past. The last of them that I remember was Dupont bulk smokeless(I even have some) but it was a shotgun powder. The last of the bulk rifle powders are long gone. I have however used Pyrodex in some rifle caliber cases. Not smokeless but does work ok. Not real keen on that stuff cause ya have to clean clean clean after using it. Triple 7 is a kinda bulk powder too. Not many really know but it is a nitro type powder and generates a lot more pressure than Black powder. Luckily most of the modern muzzle loaders are pretty strongly made. Especially the inlines. Always wanted another flinter but have decided that black powder shootin is just too much trouble...at least for me. More power to those who like to clean guns..it is fun to shoot 'em. I always liked shootin the old Colt revolvers I have. I have in fact sold the old Colt Baby Dragoon I had. It was worth waaayyy too much for me to shoot anymore. Next to go will be the 1860 Army..probably to the same fellow.

06-16-2010, 10:43 PM
How about Trailboss in a 45 ACP? Any thoughts?

06-17-2010, 11:35 AM
trailboss in 45 acps would probably work, my concern would be with the ultralight recoil not being enough to make a semiauto actually function. 45acps run pretty slow velocities anyway, and I think trailboss would probably give you a round close to the "fat bumblebee" rounds used by some paper comp shooters. IE you have a big fat 45 round moving slow enough you can see it and it looks like a big old bumblebee staggering towards the target. I dunno though. Would probably be worth at least a five or ten round test batch.
