View Full Version : Ithaca Model 37 Problem
Joe Boleo
07-03-2010, 06:34 AM
When I was growing up in a rural area, small game hunting and shotguns were a popular topic. The Winchester Model 12s and Remingtons Model 870s had their loyal owners and advocates. However, it was the Ithaca Featherweight pump shotguns that caught attention. To this day, I have to examine every Ithaca Model 37 that I see in the used gun racks. I was in a gun shop yesterday and one of the clerks I know very well went into the back of the gun shop area and reappeared carrying a pump shotgun. He said it just came in on a trade and he thought I should have it. Turns out it was a mint condition 16 gauge from about 1970 with interchangeable barrels (the earlier Model 37s had the barrels custom fitted to the receivers and were not interchangeable). It was cheap because it was a 16 gauge, full choke and has a plain barrel. No matter, I brought it home. That is my problem, I am attached to Ithaca Model 37s. Take care...
Gil Martin
07-03-2010, 08:56 AM
Good choice and I must say that I admire your taste in shotguns. How many Ithaca Model 37s do you have now? All the best...
07-03-2010, 09:37 AM
Sometimes one lucks out, and it sure sounds like you did. Congradulations.
07-03-2010, 11:29 AM
it is only a problim if your wife realises how many you have i heard a company out of ohio are makeing them now i dont know how true it is.
Do you realise they are the first gun company that made a out of the box shot gun that could take a scope for deer hunting.
Joe Boleo
07-04-2010, 06:08 AM
A while back I saw that a company in Ohio was turning out new Ithaca Model 37s, but the hang tag price gave me chest pains. Not sure if they are still being made. I prefer the older classic Ithaca Model 37s that are more in line with my price range. Take care...
I'm old enough to remember when the Ithaca 37 was the premier pump shotgun to have, along with the Winchester Model 12.
Before the days of rifled barrels on shotguns, if you wanted an accurate shotgun to hunt deer with slugs, there was the Ithaca - and a bunch of other stuff that wasn't as accurate.
Sadly, Ithaca has gone through several cycles of bankruptcy and reconstitution. I don't know where they are now, if they are at all.
The Model 37 is a John Browning design, from before 'cheap to manufacture' was a vital factor.
Mr. 16 gauge
07-06-2010, 08:18 AM
I have a M37 in 16 gauge, along with a rifled slug barrel. Gun is quite accurate with Brenneke & Remington foster slugs. Still haven't taken a deer with it yet, though. I have taken ducks with it, as well as all manner of small game. If you reload, you can open your patterns up a bit with some spreader inserts in your loads.
Have fun with that new 16 gauge!;)
07-06-2010, 08:59 AM
My new old 37 16 will get some use this fall on waterfowl too. My father used his for all of his bird hunting.
07-06-2010, 11:24 AM
Well the only problem I had with Ithaca 37s was gettin rid of the darn things. Musta been some reason Remington quit makin it..LOL..
07-15-2010, 11:35 AM
I seen a show last nite with the 37 ithaca a short gun for defense and law and a real nice field gun i didnt see the deer slayer.
They were not cheep the short gun wa 480 dollers and the field gun was over 700.
07-16-2010, 08:43 AM
One thing that Ithaca did years ago, was take the Rem. model 10 and improve it, only thing they kept was barrel, stock, and bottom eject. Now the Rem. model 17 was a good shotgun.
07-16-2010, 03:48 PM
As posted in another thread..I found an Ithaca 37 Skeet grade 16 ga with Cutts on it.Price was OK for a skeet grade..Even had an adjustable cutts choke. Never saw a 16 ga adjustable from Cutts
On another note I helped do a demonstration of an Ithaca based 37 Bomb destroying gun. Shot water..Don't know if it ever made the market....but it DID work....well
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