07-09-2010, 01:28 PM
Just read this:
It's legitimate and nothing short of amazing, go to this link and scroll down to section 834b:
Then tell me what in the world is the fed's suit against Arizona for???????
And, do they plan to sue California too???????
And, and, how many other states have similar legislation already on their books???
Why does this look like an INS agreement for a state law. Something similar to speed on highways or drinking age?
It's legitimate and nothing short of amazing, go to this link and scroll down to section 834b:
Then tell me what in the world is the fed's suit against Arizona for???????
And, do they plan to sue California too???????
And, and, how many other states have similar legislation already on their books???
Why does this look like an INS agreement for a state law. Something similar to speed on highways or drinking age?