View Full Version : Anybody tried Peters 22s?
07-16-2010, 10:41 PM
Saw some for sale at gander mountain but didn't know if I should burn the coin or not. First time I have seen shells of ANY type in a LONG time that were just labeled Peters and not RP
Joe Boleo
07-17-2010, 05:31 AM
I have moved away from Remington brand rimfire ammo because the quality and consistency seem to be missing. I have changed over to Federal and Winchester bulk packs of plated hollow points at Wal-Mart. Take care...
Mr. 16 gauge
07-17-2010, 07:27 AM
Was it in a brown/tan box with a duck for the logo? If so, I would suggest staying away from it. I bought some a few years back, and the stuff had a tendency to jam and gum up the actions of my semiautos...... It uses a heavy, flake powder that leaves a lot of residue, and the coating on the bullets is kinda thick. I think it is just Remington "Thunderbolt" ammo marketed under a different name; I had similar problems with that stuff as well.
07-17-2010, 09:53 AM
The only time I had issues with the Remingtons gumming up my autos was if I didn't keep them oiled. And that was only on my old marlin or my brothers old Remington. My Ruger eats anything I put through it without a hitch, and my old single shot Winchester eats anything, but only likes slowwww rounds.
Mr. 16 gauge
07-17-2010, 01:45 PM
he only time I had issues with the Remingtons gumming up my autos was if I didn't keep them oiled. And that was only on my old marlin or my brothers old Remington. My Ruger eats anything I put through it without a hitch, and my old single shot Winchester eats anything, but only likes slowwww rounds.
If that's the case then, GOB, and the price is right, why not give 'em a try? I don't remember how well they shot, but I know that they shot groups, not patterns!;) I don't know how fast or slow they are, so I can't predict how they'll shoot in your Winchester.
I have moved away from Remington brand rimfire ammo because the quality and consistency seem to be missing
I think that ALL the big three (Winchester, Remington, and Federal) have all had quality control issues with their bulk .22 rimfire ammo at one time or another. I must say that I've had good luck with the Remington 'golden bullets' sold in the 100 rd boxes, and in the past the few boxes of Winchesters that I've inherited did just fine. It seems like those "bargain tubs" of 500+ rounds seem to have the majority of problems.....I think that if your producing billions of .22 rimfires a year, a few are going to slip through without priming compound, minimal priming compound, ect., despite your best Q/C.
The only domestically produced .22 ammo that I have not had a misfire with (and I'll probably regret saying it now:rolleyes:) is CCI. Ever notice that CCI doesn't produce bulk packs of ammuntion?;)
07-18-2010, 01:14 AM
i youse it in a bolt action marlin i have not yoused it for hunting but i have punched holes in tarkets my son has no complaint he likes to shoot it.
07-18-2010, 07:30 AM
I haven't tried the Peters brand but when I was at the gun shop last week I was looking hard at the Blazers in .22 LR. They were a $1.30 (for a box of 50 rounds) cheaper than anything else on the shelf. The guy next to me said he loved them and they were the only things that would shoot well and consistently in his Browning Buckmark. He said they were both clean and accurate. I immediately bought a case of them as all I planned to use them for anyway was plinking at tin cans.
07-18-2010, 09:17 AM
I would like to say I had never had a misfire out of a cci, but last week I was shooting at a critter in my chicken pen and my very first shot out of my ruger goes "Rhink" no kapow nothing. I work the action catch it to be sure it still has a projectile on the case then shoot the next one which goes off perfect and hits its mark. Later I put that cci velocitor back in the 22 in a different position and dropped the hammer again. Again no kapow. I dropped the round (Now with two difference firing pin notches in it) down a gopher hole.
Once upon a time (ten years ago) the federal 550 bulk packs all shot VERY well for me. They were my hunting round of choice for my old marlin followed closely by cci stingers. The last few years I have noticed that even the bulk 550 round golden bullet remingtons DO seem to group up a bit better for me than the federals or the ccis. Winchesters are so hard to find around here I don't even bother for the most part. Their hyperveolcity stuff (the only thing of theirs I can get easily) shoots ok but much like the cci velocitors the groups open up on me.
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