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08-02-2010, 04:41 PM
Think may be I am going to shoot 16s for ducks over decoys this year. I have quite a bit of Kent Matrix and some bismuth, Going to use a Ithaca Model 37 with a 28" mod. choke and a Marlin 90 choked Mod & full. Both nice lightweight shotguns, have a shoulder problem with left should and easier for me to shoot with lighter shotguns.

Mr. 16 gauge
08-02-2010, 07:21 PM
I've done a fair bit of fowling with my 16 gauges and both TM and bismuth, and I don't think you can go wrong with either one. One thing I did find with my bismuth handloads was that on some of them full was just too tight of a constriction....got a lot of blown patterns.:( Pretty expensive testing, but worth it in the long run, I suppose. One interesting phenomena that I did find with the TM was that on occasion the shot would clump up.....you would get 4-5 pellets in a tight cluster in one spot. When it did this on a duck, it looked like a .22 HP exit wound!
I have found all makes of factory 16 gauge steel to be inferior to bismuth or TM; too slow for the density of the material, IMHO. Besides that, I'm a little worried about the thickness (or rather, thinness) of the older steel barrels in my older 16 gauges.
Good luck, Popplecop, and make sure you take some photos for us come season!;)

08-08-2010, 07:37 AM
My Grandson used his 16 BPS in Louisiana last Dec. when we hunted there. He used no. 2 steel with good luck on pintails, mottled, and tree ducks By the way get 2 pintails this year, still only 1 mottled duck. On teal he used no. 4 steel and no. 6 Kent Matrix. Sure wish I had his reaction time, must be 55 years difference in age. Also put together another 16 for a truck gun. Picked up an 870 Express Youth, put on an adult stock, foun all sort of factory choke tubes for $3/choke from Remington's store on closeout. Then found a new Wingmaster Slug barrel for $135 from a supplier in Lousiana. This makes a great shotgun to accompany at all times. Will also get some use when I go to Louisiana duck hunting.

08-19-2010, 07:45 AM
Just addwd another one, Western Arms Long Range made by Ithaca. It has 30" barrels choked full and full. Should be a great duck gun with my bismuth and Kent Matrix loads.

Mr. 16 gauge
08-25-2010, 12:52 PM
Guess that explains why I can't find any loaded 16 gauge ammo in the stores around here....popplecop is having them diverted to WI!:rolleyes:;)

Good thing I handload!:p

08-28-2010, 10:44 AM
Supposedly have 10 boxes of Fed. steel 2s & 4s comeing from a gun trading friend for $5 a box. He got in in a gun deal and doesn't use 16s for waterfowl. That'll get used in SW Louisiana in my 870 Express.