View Full Version : shotshell reloading help

08-11-2010, 10:10 AM
What do I need to convert a mec 600jr 12 gauge reloader to 20 gauge? I just want to be able to load 7/8 oz #6 shells for squirrel since I can't seem to buy them within 500 miles of home anymore.

I have never done much shotshell reloading and every time I pull the press out I stand around scratching my head like a monkey doing a math problem.

Thanks guys


08-11-2010, 10:37 AM
A 20 gaa conversion kit for the press as well as a bar for loading 7/8 oz of shot. I was looking here and only found part of the kit..and a bar. Not a big deal. Used to be 20 bucks or so..probably 40 now. Check on ebay for Mec gauge conversion kits

08-11-2010, 01:19 PM
wow ok uhm Midway has them, but they run more than $70 for the kit without the bar. And I have to buy the bar, and I don't have any bushings, and I need new bottles. . . . . sheesh almost the price of a brand new press.


08-11-2010, 04:16 PM
I put adjustable charge bars on mine. Cost alittle more up frount, but you can load any powder and charge or any shot charge without buying bushings. To bad your so far away, I would loan you one and give you enough cases to last you for several years. Personally though, I won`t use shot smaller than 5`s for squirrel.

08-11-2010, 04:58 PM
Let me look in the stuff down in the vault. Have a lot of boxes of stuff down there..5s for me for squirrels

08-12-2010, 09:09 AM
The only problem I have had with #5s for squirrel is that they are usually expensive and hard to come by down here (kinda like #6s now).


08-13-2010, 12:31 PM
I just buy a used MEC if I want to change gages. As long as it is not a rusted piece of junk, they can be had pretty cheap and the 20ga is very popular so they are easy to find.

But, I myself do not reload for the 20 because around here they put 20s on sale before bird season or we go in together at the range and buy 100 plus flats to get free shipping off the net, plus 0 tax. I do load for the 410 and 28 because they cost so much as factory.

08-13-2010, 12:47 PM
Yeah I think that is what I will do I noticed the kits were all for the 600 jr mark 5 and I think mine is probably a 2 or 3 (IE OLD)
