View Full Version : Mosque at Ground Zero

08-15-2010, 09:50 AM
I am a Canadian and right now I feel very sorry for my American neighbours. Can you belive that President Obama has come out and publicly said that Muslims have a right to build a mosque at Ground Zero? There is only one reason the Muslims want a mosque there- to celebrate their "victory" over the US on 9/11. I have tried very hard not to believe the things that I have heard about Barack Osama- oops sorry Obama- being a Muslim, I apparently was wrong. History shows that every time Islam gets a foot hold in a new nation the site of the victory become a mosque. For those who still think that Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace please read the Qoran. According to that book there are two kinds of people in the world: Muslims and dead people- people who will not convert to Islam are to be killed as infidels. Ask the Christian doctors and nurses killed in Pakistan last week- oh right they are dead- that might prove to be a challenge. Both Canada and the US must wake up to the fact that Europe is now Muslim and the next place they want to take over is North America. My heart goes out to my American friends, I hope we can both stop the onslaught.

08-16-2010, 01:48 AM
You don't have to be from the north to notice the slap in the face. I just do not understand why so many so called Americans are for this. How can we get them to understand? I hear so many people say it shows our support of the 1st and others. BUNK..I say how can you burn your peace candle for those that want to kill so many people just to get more virgins on the other side? Even military veterans I have spoke with are for it. I say if it is just a matter of giving them the right to build a place, then why are they so insistant of building it at '0'.???...They are giving away North America from within and without...it doesn't seem to matter who you vote into office. Wolves in sheep clothes.. Maybe we just need our muslim president to just say in a speach one day...our political system as we knew it is over..he is now dictator and will kill anyone that is against him or his religion. Has happened in the past in other countries..and isn't all our American ways the reason so many people around the world want to come here in the first place? Why do they want to make it just like where they left? I just don't see America as the free place it use to be. Esp after all the dealing I had to put up with from the gov stepping in on a personal matter this past 1 1/2 yrs. I beat them but my lawyer got rich.. We aren't as free as we think .....still would not want to live any place else...yet...then again maybe I would be better off to give up American citizenship, come back as a foreigner?..

08-16-2010, 09:17 AM
I say this to Canadians as much as Americans. We both must wake the hell up and do what we can to stop this intrusion of the Muslim religion into our society. I am all for religious freedom, that's the problem, Muslims are not. They will tell you that they are but if they were truly opposed to the "radical" element within the religion there would be a huge hue and cry to denounce their actions and theology. Unless I am asleep I don't anything of the kind coming from any type of religious leader within the religion. Remember people they will not be satisfied until there is only one kind of people in the world- Muslims. If you will not convert you will be killed.

08-16-2010, 09:42 AM
In my eyes its a victory Mosque. Its too bad our politican will not stand up and denounce this to what it really is. Now don't get me wrong I'm 100% for freedom of religion but this just isn't right. Perhaps the Christians and Jews of American should do to that mosque what the Muslins would do to a church in say Iran.

08-18-2010, 07:19 AM
What I don't understand is why so many people are willing to "buy" that Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace? Several times a day it is proven to be otherwise throughout the world. The voices of those who denounce atrocities committed against women and those of a faith other than Islam (in "Islamic" countries) seems to me to grow quieter by the day. We have had groups here in Canada that they want to have their own "Sharia" law to govern them as opposed to the laws of the land. If Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace, please tell me what does it tolerate and when is there peace? From my point of view it appears that the "Mr. Nice Guy" approach to spreading the Muslim relgion is over. 9/11 was the declaration of war against North America. A Christian leader here in Canada went on the air on September 12th (I believe it was) and challenged Muslims to issue a "fatwa" against those who had committed 9/11. If they were such a tolerate and peace loving group then the voices of those condemning the 9/11 attacks should be very loud and strong. The silence was and is still deafening.

08-18-2010, 09:22 AM
Just to make sure we all have our facts correct, the proposal in question is NOT to build a mosque at ground zero. The proposal is to build a mosque 2 blocks away from ground zero.
Within 2 blocks of ground zero you will find strip clubs, sex shops, and many other kinds of businesses- it's a commercial district, not a residential neighborhood.

08-18-2010, 03:37 PM
But except for one thing Jack. The building of the mosque at that area is a statement to the muslim world. It is now going to be "HOLY" ground because if was approximately where a blow was struck against the non-believers. And I can tell ya right now..there may be strip clubs etc there now. After the mosque is built those will disappear after the complaints from the powers that be. Also is that mosque going to pay property taxes etc..or will it be another property taken off the tax roles?? At a time when tax revenues are hurting..and the churches in the US are losing tax exempt status(check that out..it's happening) Just my opinion..but that mosque does NOT need to be right there. There are 200 Mosques in NYC and environs anyway. Don't you think it is pretty convenient that they NEED a mosque in that area. They'll probably have icons giving the muslim equivalent to sainthood to the perpetrators of 9/11 in that mosque

08-19-2010, 10:23 PM
Thank you for that correction Jack, however the point I was trying to make was more about the brazen disregard of common decency displayed by our "peaceful" Muslim "friends".

Mr. 16 gauge
08-20-2010, 12:24 AM
I was on vacation in California (L.A.)when Obama came out in support of a mosque near Ground Zero. His statements made my blood boil, but I found what happened next very interesting.
The news station I was watching followed with a story about a woman who was brought from Afghanistan to California (free of charge) for facial reconstructive surgery because her husband, who is a member of the taliban, cut off her nose and ears while other members of the taliban held her down!
Now.....THIS is the "peaceful" religion I am suppose to be so respectful of??????
A little research showed that the husband who did this did so because he was allowed to under sharia law......and the Imam who is proposing the building of the mosque at ground zero is a proponent of sharia law! Also, the Imam in question is also supposed to have stated that (and I'm paraphrasing here) "America had it coming" in response to the 9/11 attacks, and to the best of my knowledge not ONE single muslim cleric came out and decried the acts of the terrorists on 9/11.
.....and I'm just supposed to "accept" that Islam is "peaceful" religion after being informed of this?

Building a Mosque anywhere near 9/11 is akin, IMHO, to building a memorial to Josef Mengele near Cedars-Sinai hospital; it is akin to building a statue honoring Bernie Madoff on Wall street; it is akin to setting up bronze statue of a cavalry soldier on an Indian reservation.......not only is it inappropriate, but it is poor taste as well!

The fact that our 'enlightened' president doesn't get it makes me wonder just where his head is at, and if it would take a proctologist to find it!:mad:

Mr. 16 gauge
08-20-2010, 12:56 AM
Some of you may find this interesting:


08-20-2010, 03:01 PM
Those peaceful Muslims, where ever they may be should be on their knees thanking Allah that I was not the man in the Oval Office on 9/11. If I were, when I saw those guys dancing in the streets in the various Middle east countries, I would have nuked Mecca and every one of their capitol cities with the following message."Mess with us and you will cease to exist."
JMHO but that's what george W. Bush should of done. That's about the only place where I'm comfortable saying, "It's Bush's fault." The only thing those people understand is force greater than them.
Paul B.

08-20-2010, 04:22 PM
Nope..not a nuke..but 5 or six cruise missles on 5 of the most holy spots in islam/ But the namby pamby soccer moms and dads would be saying that we are warmongers. In this day and age..it is a shame to say that I think the US has wimped out to the point that it is second rate. No I am NOT a politically correct person..I understand that. Do I think we should kill 'em all. Of course not...but if they know who attacked us..then we should seriously take out their families and hometowns for that matter. The terrorists don't care who they kill and the muslim world applauds the terrorosts..why should we care what the rest of the world thinks? Oh I know all that stuff about us being "better" than them../but some things should be returned in kind..

I really do say what I REALLY feel.