View Full Version : Everybody sighted in?

Mr. 16 gauge
08-25-2010, 12:02 PM
Hunting season is just around the corner.....everybody sighted in, got their powder horns filled, ect?

I hope to get some BP time in over the Labor day weekend, if the weather and wife don't conspire against me!:p

08-25-2010, 12:17 PM
Yessir, sighted in and ready to go. Muzzle loader elk begins Sep 11 in CO and I hope to be in elk camp on the 9th. Can't wait!:D

08-25-2010, 01:09 PM
All but one is close. I usually do a final range session in mid sept to tweek it a little plus I'm putting a new scope on my 280 soon so that one isn't close. I have found over the years that when the whether changes so does my zero so that why my final tweek is usualy in mid Sept.
The bow is anothr story. I have had to redo the tuning so its a disaster right now however that should be taken care of by this weekend. So many things to do in so little time.

Johnny Reb
08-25-2010, 06:24 PM
Both my renegade and Hawken all sighed in for patched ball.:) only need a slight elevation adjustment for shooting Hornady 385 gr. great plains bullets with my renegade.

Johnny Reb
08-25-2010, 06:31 PM
Yessir, sighted in and ready to go. Muzzle loader elk begins Sep 11 in CO and I hope to be in elk camp on the 9th. Can't wait!:D
Hey MtnMike2
what gun and load do ya use for Elk hunting? Best of luck on your elk hunt this year.:)

08-26-2010, 03:58 PM
In the past I have used a T/C Encore 50 cal w/ 345 gr Maxi-ball and 110 gr Pyrodex (or 777). I've also used Powerbelt bullets 270 gr - 345 gr. I'm now using Blackhorn powder for the T/C and will have that with Maxi-ball as a backup.
This year, for the first time, I'll be using "Sally" which is a Lyman Great Plains Rifle 54 cal with patched round ball. It's percussion - maybe I'll try flintlock in the future, one step at a time.... Anyway, I'm using a .535" dia ball from Hornady (as I don't make my own yet) with .010" patch and I'm using 100 gr ffg Goex BP. I've tried going heavier on the powder (it's supposed to be able to go to 110 gr double-f) and I've tried lighter but 100 gr with that ball and patch combo are pretty accurate for me. I plan to stay within 100 yds on my shot, more like 80 yds or less as I'm pretty confident out to 70 yds or so.

You all probably know this already, but in Colorado you can't use scopes, pellet BP, sabots, electronic ignition during muzzle loader season. I kinda like it as it keeps the number of hunters down during that season.


Mr. 16 gauge
09-05-2010, 12:08 AM
Well, I finally got out with the black powder and the muzzleloaders today (First time all year!:(). Shot the trade musket, hawken, and Remington 1858. The hawken has new sights on it, and I wanted to get it sighted in for deer season in Dec.; the range was exceptionally busy today, so I didn't get a chance to shoot at 50 yards, only 25....but I put two balls almost in the same hole and they were just a little low at 25, so I think I should be good at 50 (load was a PRB over 80 grains of FFG).
I didn't do so well with the trade musket....still shooting low (as usual:() from a rest, but I found that I did shoot better with it off hand, so next session I'll just skip the sandbags and try and see if my aim improves.
The 1858 was a surprise! I putting balls in the black at 25 yards with one hand, off hand! I've never managed to do that with this gun....so I was a bit surprised.
Anyway, finally got out and I just got done cleaning all three....

You all probably know this already, but in Colorado you can't use scopes, pellet BP, sabots, electronic ignition during muzzle loader season. I kinda like it as it keeps the number of hunters down during that season.

Used to be that way here in MI....usually had the woods to myself. Now it's anything and everything (and there is a push going on to allow smokeless 'muzzleloaders' now in the state:() and the woods are packed.

Adam Helmer
09-18-2010, 10:44 AM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Our week-long antlerless deer muzzleloader season in PA is October 16-23 and ANY muzzleloader is legal. Only the After-Christmas Traditional ML deer season is still Flintlock only.

Yes, all my guns are zeroed.
