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View Full Version : Usf&w got another one

Dan Morris
08-27-2010, 10:47 AM
Yesterday, in Denver fed Court, grand jury indited a Meeker outfitter and guide for massive baiting by salt in White River NF. Outfitter Dennis Rudebaugh and guide Bryan Kunz allegedly put "hundreds of pounds of salt" in WRNF.
Rudebaugh operates as D&S Guide and Outfitting.


08-29-2010, 02:44 PM
In order to get good outfitting fees, you have to have good kill percentages. How do you think you can get high figures all the time?

Dan Morris
08-29-2010, 04:00 PM
Oh, I've found salt blocks fairly regular....just figured they were left overs
from blm grazing.( yes, I did watch em) Theser guys were doing it wholesale....Larry, you are right on kill ratios vs fees.....guess there is no real answer!