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View Full Version : 44 auto mag

08-30-2010, 08:00 AM
I picked up a 44 Auto Mag vary cheep with a set of Dies.I have been trying to find Brass.There does not seem to be any out there.I read you can make them from 308 or 06 Brass.It looks like it would a real pain in the butt.
Has anyone out there done this and did it work well enough to do it agen?

Thanks to all



08-30-2010, 08:41 AM
Check with Starline brass. they may have it. I made brass from 243/308. Yep, you are right.. It's a PITA. my gun worked fine for 50-60 shots..Common problem on the AM.. Had to clean the blasted thing all the time Another PITA. Gun just wasn't reliable. Who made yours?? About 5 different manufacturers..including High Standard.. BTW to get any reliability you have to load to about max loads all the time. Neat lookin though. local fellow here is trying to get me to buy his. He's down to 700 now. If he gets to 500..I'll think twice and still not buy it LOL

08-30-2010, 03:06 PM
My gun is a TDE Auto Mag.It was made in El Monte California.
I only gave $200 with the Dies

08-30-2010, 09:46 PM
Heck even if it doesn't work you can sell the dies for a 100. Try getting some ready made brass. It's not so bad to shoot. Just not so reliable. An ya gotta pick up the brass...LOL You stole it. I know a guy back east that would like to have it.. But I don't know how bad he'd like to have it. The one the guy locally has is a High Standard

Ol` Joe
09-01-2010, 06:48 PM
I had a original Auto-Mag back in the mid 70 when the cartridge was still a wildcat round and prior to the intro of the 357 AM. I cut quite a bit of my dads 308 down to make brass until he put his foot down. I had a trim die (I don`t recall the brand) and used a hacksaw and file to cut it. The pistol was very accurate but had problems with ammo that wasn`t up to near max or max pressures, you could not down load a cartridge for this gun. IRCC I used a Sierra 180gr HP with 30 gr of H110 in a cut down 308 case. for 90% of my shooting. I sold it to a buddy like a fool and have kicked myself ever since.

09-02-2010, 07:28 PM
Brass sould be reltively easy to make. I would cut it with a tubeing cutter, a hair long and trime it an a case trimer. I use a Layman trimer with an elect screw driver for trimming cases. It`s alot faster and more accurate than useing the crank. You could also use any of the cases with the standard .473 case haed and body dia. ie. 06 .308, 243, 22-250 ect.

09-02-2010, 08:57 PM
Bad thing about making brass for the AM..for best loading and longevity it is best to thin the inside of the case so you'll need a inside neck reamer of 429 size 430 is ok too. Good taper crimp is necessary Don't use 22-250 cases as they have too much body taper and you lose cases(did that many years ago. 243 and 308 are kinda best. They also have to be correct length as they headspace on the mouth of the case. Much much easier to buy 'em if ya can. Try Huntingdons too. They quite often have hard to find cases. After making so many cases for this in the past... Being the PITA that it is..buy 'em if ya can..

09-13-2010, 02:35 PM
Good idea, great looking gun, bad gun design. I used to sit and watch at the range years ago every time a new guy showed up with an AM. I do not think I ever saw one make 50 rounds without one or both side rails falling off and the retaining screws go flying. Check the screws after ever 10 rounds or so.

Do not put your off hand on top of and around your shooting hand wrist when it gets tired. That will get you a dead paw. Watched as a guy did that once, he pulled the trigger before I could stop him. Today he has one good hand. That AM bolt under recoil has no mercy.