View Full Version : Squirrel season opening weekend 10-2-10

10-02-2010, 07:56 PM
Well it was a really nice day, we only saw one, and we couldn't get a clean shot on him. However I have discovered massive deer and rabbit sign. Looks like a good season is coming.


10-03-2010, 04:35 AM
Had a run in with some other hunters last year. A guy sitting in a tree stand with a full gillie suite didn’t like us hunting squirrel,,,, like walking around and occasionally shooting 22’s,,, at 9 AM. I guess he owned the national forest and also had priority because deer and elk have priority over tree rats ???


10-03-2010, 07:59 PM
I normally don't give squirrels a thought until all the leaves are off the trees. However, with no doves around here this year, I may have to go ahead and give them a try, leaves or not.

10-03-2010, 08:33 PM
Nothing takes priority over tree rats! With the leaves still on it is a big challenge if I had my shotgun with me yesterday that one woulda come home. Instead I opted on the 22 big dummy...

10-05-2010, 09:04 PM
Nothing takes priority over tree rats!...


With me nothing takes priority over doves, at least when there are any around to shoot!
