View Full Version : shot capsules in .38 Super?
Mr. 16 gauge
10-15-2010, 12:40 PM
Been thinking about experimenting with the Speer shot capsules in my .38 Super.....any thoughts re: loads, seating depth, ect? My Super headspaces on the case mouth, so I don't know if that will make a difference. Also, you think that the load that they recommend (5.5 grns Unique) would be a good starting point?
.....Oh, and I know that it "won't cycle the action", and that's O.K.;)
Thanks in advance.......
Adam Helmer
10-15-2010, 02:08 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,
I say, "go by the reloading manual" and Unique is a very fine powder in autos. I put a slight roll crimp on my .45ACP 200 grain SWC cast loads and get flawless feed and function. I would put a light crimp on shot capsules in the .45 or .38 Super.
Best of luck.
Gil Martin
10-15-2010, 04:12 PM
I load shot capsules in .38 Special, .44 Magnum and .45 Colt. My best results have been with 7 1/2 shot. Hope this helps. All the best...
Interesting idea, and I'm sure it can be made to work.
Get the seating depth by trying a dummy round in the chamber of your barrel - you'll have to see how much of the shot capsule can protrude from the case mouth. You may not be able to seat the capsule out too far before it contacts the lands.
Use the smallest shot you can get your hands on. I generally use #9. No point in using big shot- you're effective range in a rifled barrel will be 10-15 feet.
As for a powder charge, I would call up Speer and ask them. My guess is that the powder charges recommended for the 38 Special are going to be too high. My guess is that you'll have to seat the capsule fairly deeply in the Super case, and won't have a lot of room left for powder. BTW, high velocity is not something you want in a shot load. I've pattern tested quite a few in 38 Special, 44 Special, and 45 Auto- once the velocity gets much over 1,000 fps, the patterns start to show big holes in the center.
I'm assuming you taper crimp your usual loads. That probably would work on shot capsules, too, if you don't use a heavy crimp.
Let us know how it works out.
Mr. 16 gauge
02-09-2011, 11:22 AM
Well, just an update on the subject.
I finally found some shot capsules at a local gun store....the owner didn't have any idea what they were or how to use 'em.:rolleyes:
I brought them home and tried an empty capsule in a .38 Super case....the capsule is way to long for this cartridge:(. It takes up the whole case (no room for the powder) and sticks out a country mile.
Oh, was an interesting idea.:p
02-09-2011, 01:10 PM
Mr 16
Don't give up. Shorten the capsules with a dremel cutoff wheel. I've done that even for the 38 Sp. Can't load as much shot but I used # 10 shot that I had a bag of at one time. Won't need much for snakes etc so use 9's..I even used cut off 44 capsules in the 44 special. It works just fine. There is another idea you could use..Go to a tractor supply and get some gel capsules in the right diameter for use in veterinary pills. Use half with a gas check under the capsule. I've never done it for 38 Super but I loaded some 44 Hotshot loads in 'em for the Contender..but my reasoning was that I needed a longer capsule. I even shot a pheasant with one...DRT
02-09-2011, 01:16 PM
BTW my capsules were mostly the Speer and had a plug in the back of the capsule. I have 10 boxes of 'em if you need some. I might even know where I have hidden them...LOL
Adam Helmer
02-09-2011, 02:02 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,
I wonder how your shot capsule experiment panned out? I have tried shot loads in my .45 ACP with mixed results. I had better results with revolvers in .38 Special, .357, .44 Special and .44 Magnum. Back in those "development days" I was hiking often in rattle snake country near the farm. I now have snake-proof leggings and carry a .357 stoked with Unique and #7.5 shot and also have a walking stick. The score is Adam 3 and rattlers ZERO!
02-09-2011, 03:17 PM
I've never done much good with shot in the 45 auto..but Remington used to market a shot load in the 45 with a crimped end somewhat like a 22 shot load (not CCI). I have a couple of boxes and they even work the action of my guns. They dispatch rattlers pretty well
I fiddled with shot loads in the 45 ACP- before Speer made 45 caliber shot cups. After a very labor intensive job of cutting down rifle cases, thinning them, sizing, annealing, etc., I did make an effective shot load. They held about 145 grains of #9, about the same as a 38 shot cup holds, and they would cycle the action most of the time. Since they were throwing such a light payload, compared to solid bullets, they were on the ragged edge of cycling the action.
I pattern tested them and got a good pattern.
All in all, the 45 ACP was about as effective a shot thrower as a 38 or 357, and not as effective as a 44.
Buying the Speer shot cups in 45 is a LOT easier, and probably better, too.
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