View Full Version : 22?

Duck Commander
10-24-2010, 09:56 PM
Will a 22 kill a gray fox if the shot is placed correctly.

10-25-2010, 05:25 AM
Yep...but a 22 mag would be better..They aren't real big

Duck Commander
10-25-2010, 06:45 AM
K thank you would mags b expensive

10-25-2010, 09:38 AM
.22 will most certainly do the job; however the real trouble lies in getting the fox in range without winding you...

10-25-2010, 03:40 PM
mag guns cost a bit more than standard 22lrs, and the ammo is a bit more expensive, but the costs on them are not radically more expensive no.


Duck Commander
10-25-2010, 05:07 PM
Yeah we have (I don't know what they are called) a group or family of grey fox and they are eating our chickens and pigeons I already have a 2 22 's but never knew if that would do the jop.

Mr. 16 gauge
10-25-2010, 05:39 PM
If you do go with a .22, I would suggest using one of the hyper velocity loadings (CCI stinger, Remington yellow jacket, ect). Be advised to try them in your gun first; mine doesn't like stingers (longer case causes ejection problems).
Good luck...........

10-25-2010, 06:50 PM
Awww man. A chuicken eatin fox. Who woulda thought. If ya get a chance at 'em a good heart lung shot at the shorter ranges is a real grey fox killer. But keep the range short. Under 40 yds if possible. My fox gun was always a 22 hornet. Now i use a 222 and a 223 on shorter range(200-225 yds) yotes.... any longer I use a 22-250 or a 243

Duck Commander
10-25-2010, 07:08 PM
Would a 223 kill a coyote to. I want a universal predator killer gun.

10-25-2010, 08:24 PM
The 223 will dispatch a coyote with regularity to approx 250 yds..in my opinion..Some may not agreeand put the yardage somewhat longer... some shorter.. Now again..in my opinion..a 243 can be used for predators and deer..a dual purpose caliber. The 223 is not a good cal for deer. Legal in some places..but not a good one

Duck Commander
10-25-2010, 08:30 PM
I already have a 270 for bear and dear and a 22 for smaller game now looking for coyote and fox and bobcats and things that size.

10-26-2010, 01:02 AM
I already have a 270 for bear and dear and a 22 for smaller game now looking for coyote and fox and bobcats and things that size.

If you already have a .270, then look at the center fire .223 cartridges, which are essentially .22 caliber bullets. I have a .220 Swift that I like a lot and that Skeet has actually seen. Would have won that huntchat groundhog "tournament" if the groundhog wasn't sitting right next to the farm owner's barn. Such is life.

You can get center fire cartridges loaded with varmint bullets or with bullets that are a little more stout for larger animals. That is what I would recommend since you already have the .270.

Me, about the only thing I am missing is a .25-06 and a monster gun like a .375 Lapua. I've got a .22lr, .270 Win, .30-06, and .300 Win along with a Ruger Mini 30. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't want a .22 Magnum and both .17's that are available from Volquartsen. Plus, I am working on building an AR-15 and AR-10.

Good luck with the hunting. If you can get up close, I think the .22lr would work just fine. I have killed foxes with goose loads out of my shotgun easily at 40 and 50 yards. Of course, those were the morons that thought the decoys were a free lunch.

10-26-2010, 06:28 AM
Free Lunch...LOL.. I like that Fabs. free lunch for a fox..is any body elses food, huh?? Bee back there soon. Let's go shootin. Free lunch is what you're gonna buy me when I beat ya. hehehehehe

10-26-2010, 09:08 AM
Also, it is ignored alot, the 222 Rem (not 222 rem mag I have never used one of those) is a GREAT gun for intermediate sized game and varmint hunting. My grandfather used his for everything from coyotes to whitetail, and never had to make a second shot on anything he pulled the trigger on. But then again he was a Korean War vet who is to this day the best shot I have ever seen.


Duck Commander
10-26-2010, 02:41 PM
And how much do those go for about and how much is ammo.

10-26-2010, 04:15 PM
Last time I purchased ammo it was running around the price of 223 ammo. The rifle you can probably get used for a decent price, I have not shopped around for one in a very long time.

10-27-2010, 12:13 AM
And how much do those go for about and how much is ammo.

My dad bought a used Remington .222 for less than $100. Don't have a clue how much ammo costs because I reload for it, but I cannot imagine that it would be expensive. It is a small cartridge somewhere between the .22lr and the .223. I actually like it a lot and it is pretty accurate in that old rifle.

10-27-2010, 12:17 AM
Free Lunch...LOL.. I like that Fabs. free lunch for a fox..is any body elses food, huh?? Bee back there soon. Let's go shootin. Free lunch is what you're gonna buy me when I beat ya. hehehehehe

I'll buy you lunch even if I beat you. LOL

Hadn't shot clays in two years and went down to St. Mary's County to shoot a tournament. Ended up shooting 45 out of 50 which wasn't good enough but won the flurry with a partner shooting 47 out of 50. I missed 3 of the targets, but 2 were because my gun jammed. Obviously, my partner hit all 25 of his. I haven't really been shooting much and cannot remember the last time I cleaned the thing. Still haven't cleaned it and that tournament was 2 weeks ago. Ended up winning $110 for the flurry.

Let me know when you are back in town and we can shoot Pintail or any other place you like.