View Full Version : Morning on the Lake

11-01-2010, 06:52 PM
Went out this morning to Murray Lake with my son and my pal Luke
windy day had the birds flying by pretty fast and it was a challenge for sure.

We ended up getting 14 birds
7 mallards
4 shovellers
2 widgeons
1 green wing teal

It was quite a work out for my little man Luke as the wind took the downed birds and floated them off and some of the retrieves turned out to be quite long. Luke performed admirably tho and he is now one tuckered out guy.

Great day!!


11-01-2010, 09:11 PM
NICE!! you had a great shoot. Ducks are just starting to show up here in good numbers. Do it again!!

Mr. 16 gauge
11-02-2010, 09:40 AM
Congratulations.....days like that make for great memories. I have a few days off coming up; I hope at least one of them mirrors your success.
BTW: Is that a Remington O/U you are holding in the photo?

11-02-2010, 09:47 AM
The little man is pretty quiet today..lol
Moved out here a couple years ago from the west coast and am just getting back into ducks around here.Been a while for the little man too with not goin out in that time and that workout yesterday tuckered him out a bit.He remembered what he was supposed to do tho!!

I use a Stoeger Condor supreme O/U with the single select trigger.
Awesome shotgun that fits me nice.I used it out west to shoot trap as well.

11-03-2010, 01:51 AM
Nice photo and story. I either need to leave Maryland or buy a decent farm on the Eastern Shore. This lack of land to hunt on is killing me.