View Full Version : slugs/choke tubes

11-24-2010, 03:48 PM
Can you shoot slugs out of a shotgun with choke tubes and if so, what is proper choke to use?

11-24-2010, 05:02 PM
Yes you can shoot slugs in a shot gun. If you are going to get new choke buy a rifled one and then you can shoot all types of slugs; sabots and the lot. I've used a rifled tube in my 870 for years and killed plenty of deer. You must sight for each type of slug, sabots shot higher than others at the same yardage. I also use a 18 inch barrel with iron sight. I don't think barrel length has that much effect on the slug other than making a longer sight plane and more cumbersome.

If you are going to use a choke that you have I believe that "improved" is the accepted standard. be sure to check other on line resources and your gun mfg info. The standard thought is that this if for non-sabot type slugs.

They do make an extended length rifled choke tube, I have one for my 870, don't know if they have for other brands. My buddy has killed a few deer using it in a 1100 bird gun.

I switch chokes in my 18 inch barrel to turkey and use the same gun for that.

Keep in mind that sighting in with slugs is like getting hammered by a Mack truck, I shot 12 one afternoon and came away sore and bruised. 2 3/4 inch shells are easier to handle but still kick like a mule.

Have fun.

God created we manage.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-24-2010, 05:48 PM
Depends on the slug.....if you are shooting the standard foster type slugs, then I.C. is probably as tight as I would wish to go; if you are using one of the new fangled copper solid sabot whatchamacallit, then I would go with cylinder.

11-26-2010, 07:49 AM
Heck with the foster slugs they will almost rattle through a full choke.. The newer slugs will even shoot through a full choke but it isn't a good thing to do.. Rifled chokes add a lot of accuracy to sabots..but the best of the rifled tubes are the extended ones like Remington and (I think) Browning have. Almost as good as the fully rifled barrels. And as stated ya have to shoot a bunch of different slugs to find the best. Which brings up a point..I wish I had been able to get a lead sled years ago to sight in with..Slugs hurt. I sight guns in now for other people and the lead sled is a real plus for that..yeah..yeah..I'm a wimp.. Hate recoil. Sighted my grandsons slug gun in for him..used the sled.. He got himself a nice little buck..his first...the next day. The real season starts Tomorrow in Maryland..but i am in Illinois on the way back home to Wy. Gotta go get my elk. Comin outta the tall mountains heading for better eatin and warmer temps now..makes it marginally better for hunting.

11-28-2010, 09:55 AM
Yep Skeet, I am skipping deer season again this year. Got out for goose season 4 times in the last week, which is a miracle, but I will take it. Had some pretty good success too.

Regarding the choke tubes. Rifled slugs (e.g., foster type) usually perform best out of a smooth bore with either IC or C choke tubes. In other words, don't use a rifled coke tube for rifled slugs. Use the rifled choke tubes for sabots.

Like Skeet, I am a wimp when it comes to recoil. For waterfowling I have a mercury recoil reducer in the stock and then when I add the fully rifled ER Shaw slug barrel and scope to the Benelli SBE I add another recoil reducer on the magazine cap. I have fired close to 30 sabots in a sitting without too much trouble and without back ache the next morning. If I had the room and the money, I would probably buy a Caldwell lead sled too.

12-18-2010, 08:15 AM
Thanks guys. I shoot the 835 with slug conversion but a friend of mine just bought a 12g for his son and asked me...told will find out from the pros...I know we use to use the old single shots in days of old but I don't know about the tubes and which one to use...thanks again. By the way, the buckhammer slugs at 100 yards out of my 835 will form a clover on paper then when shoot sluggers it moves down a good foot left and low...sluggers run about $3 / 5 while buckhammers run $12/5...only thing is they are hard to find around this area...and ...the lead sled?..whew, sure wish had one when shoot them.

12-19-2010, 12:34 PM
...I shoot the 835 with slug conversion but a friend of mine just bought a 12g for his son and asked me...told will find out from the pros...I know we use to use the old single shots in days of old but I don't know about the tubes and which one to use...

I assume by "835" you mean the Mossberg Ulti-Mag. I hope if you are shooting any kind of slug in that gun you are using the special slug barrel. The regular 835 barrels are all back-bored and have stamped on the barrel that they are not for use with slugs, at least all of mine are so marked.

12-19-2010, 02:29 PM
yes sir..the slug conversion..not out of the shotgun tube