View Full Version : 2nd chance buck!

Mr. 16 gauge
12-12-2010, 07:48 AM
Well, yesterday (12/11) was the ONLY day I had to go deer hunting this season. I almost rolled over and went back to sleep when the alarm went off at 4 A.M., but I dragged my butt out of bed and got to the managed area that I hunt. I was a little discouraged when 24 parties showed up to hunt deer (there are limited spots), but I was fortunate to be drawn 4th, so I got a spot. I chose a spot that I had hunted in the past (8 years ago), but when I got out there, I couldn't find my way back to where I wanted to go......and I wasn't seeing any tracks in the little bit of snow that was on the ground, so I figured this trip, like all my others, would be a bust as well.
I found a spot on the edge of a tree line (this is marsh area, so there aren't a lot of trees), and sat there until the sun came up. When the sun came up, it was 45 minutes before I heard any shots, and those were coming from different areas that I had chosen.....figures, I thought....I'm sitting out here freezing for nothing. My back was starting to hurt, so I got up and moved about 50 yards to a spot where there was a big oak, about 4 ft in diameter, so I could lean against that..the trail I was sitting on was now behind me. I was in a small grove of trees, with some heavier brush to my left and a large stand of phragmites grass in front of me. I figured that the deer might skirt the edge of the phragmites or brush.

I was just thinking about laying down for a nap when I heard something come stomping (and I mean stomping) through the brush behind me. I thought it was another hunter, seeing as others could hunt this area as well. I turned and looked behind me to see a brown body....a deer! It then picked up it's head, and I could see it was a small spike buck. Then I saw another deer behind it (doe), and then another deer behind it (another doe). I brought my Hawken to full cock.
The trail the deer were on angled away from me, and I waited for the buck to clear the brush before I was going to shoot, but the minute he cleared the brush he abruptly turned and started coming my way, so I let him come......all the way in until he was 10 feet away from me! He couldn't see me all that well as I had the oak at my back. I put the sights on his chest, pulled the set trigger, then pulled the trigger and "POP", I heard the sickening sound of just the cap going off!:( I thought a very bad word, very loudly, inside my head....I thought the little buck would take off for the hills, but he just stood there....looking at me! He then turned around and walked back to the does. I took this opportunity to reach in my possibles and grab my capper (which I keep on a leather thong) and recap the rifle. The buck went about 20-25 yards and stopped with the does. He was milling around and I wanted a clear shot. Finally, they decided to all take off back where they came from.....it was now or never, so I brought the gun to full cock, aimed, and fired. The sight picture was obscured by smoke for a second, and I caught a glimpes of them as they ran off throgh the thick brush. I listened as I reloaded; it sounded as if one of them was milling around in the thick brush. I didn't hear it 'fall', so I was wondering if it bedded down? Gut shot, maybe? But it didn't sound that far away. I left my seat and other gear and started looking for signs of a hit: no blood or hair at the spot where it was shot. I started heading in the direction they took off....again, no blood. I was poking along, keeping on eye on the ground and one out in front of me in case it jumped up, when I spotted a red dot on the ground to my left, about 10 feet away. I checked, and it was blood....bright red blood. I looked and could see a few more drops here and there, then more blood on the grass and on the ground. The little bit of snow that was still on the ground helped immeasurably. The blood was becoming more frequent and finally I stumbled on my deer, in the thick grass. It must have been staggering in the brush, and that's what I heard.
Some days the gods of black powder smile on you......:):D




Ball went in the the right side of the chest (broke one of the last ribs when it went in), and I'm thinking it exited forward of the left shoulder, but I can't find the exit hole (but there is a lot of blood in that area). Load was 80 grains of FFFg (I know, I know.....I'm supposed to use only 2Fg in a .54; so sue me!:p) and a .54 cal patched round ball I cast myself (LEE mold) and CCI magnum caps.

My first black powder whitetail!.....I'm quite pleased!:D

12-12-2010, 01:12 PM
Here is to doing it the hard way congrats.
What made you use the fffg powder was it just grouping better?
I love useing my side lock the wife gave it to me when we stated dateing 22 years ago

Gil Martin
12-12-2010, 05:13 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,
You did very well. All the best...

12-12-2010, 05:52 PM
First the duck Gods, and now the deer Gods. Sometimes, it is those days that we don't want to get out of bed that turn out to be the best. Same thing happened to me the Friday after Thanksgiving, but I was goose hunting. Went with my dad and brother, and hadn't hunted with my brother in like 6 years so I felt some pressure to get him some birds. At first, things were slow, but around 8:00 the birds started moving in the rain and by 9:30 we had each gotten our 2 birds limit after some poor shooting on our part. I had the birds working well and my brother was excited. I could see him looking at the birds in the bling and trying to follow them and figure out when to call the shot. At one point he said to me, "Fabs (obviously he used my real name), they are all over the place. I don't know what to do." It turned out to be an awesome day on a day when I didn't want to get out of bed. Then, when we were back at my house breasting the birds, he went inside and talked to my mother in-law. He told her, "I must have done well today because Fabs didn't yell at me at all." Little does he know that 6 years later, after having 2 kids, I find there to be no reason to yell at anybody about hunting.

Congrats on the buck. Me, I am passing on deer hunting this year. The last time I went, about 4 or 5 years ago, I killed 8 deer by 9:00 in the morning. Just haven't had time to go since then.

Mr. 16 gauge
12-13-2010, 06:49 AM
What made you use the fffg powder was it just grouping better?

I had new sights put on the gun (a simple sight rather than an adjustable one) this pasts summer and I didn't get a chance to really sight it in due to time constraints; that particular load shot to POA at 50 yards, so that's why I went with it.

12-13-2010, 09:00 AM
So much for the deer Gods. I hunted one deer all season, a 11 or 12 point non typical. My hunting partner saw him in early November and almost fell out of the tree he was in. We Saturday I saw him at about 40 yds. I drew my bow, settled the sites on him and released the string. Arrow was true and heading right for the lungs. Then out of nowwhere a small branch about the size of a pencil "jumped" out in front of the arrow which deflected it just enough to miss the spine by about 1". I got the high sign. Oh well he will be bigger next year.

Adam Helmer
12-13-2010, 01:35 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Well done! I use 3F Goex in my .54 flinter. The Lyman Black Powder Handbook lists almost exclusive 3F BP loads for the .54.


12-14-2010, 06:48 PM
Great story, 16! Congratulations!

I'm still trying to score this year. Perhaps I should be looking for tag soup recipes!

12-16-2010, 03:07 PM
Congratulations on the 2nd chance! Good shot.


Mr. 16 gauge
12-16-2010, 03:24 PM
Thanks guys....the reason for the misfire is simple; I didn't pop a cap prior to loading to burn off the WD40 that I use in the barrel as a rust inhibitor. Suffice it to say: LESSON LEARNED!!!
Why didn't I do it? Probably because I felt I wasn't going to see anything......again: LESSON LEARNED!
Hope everyone here at least gets a chance to get out and hunt with their smoke poles....haven't seen too much activity here as far as hunting goes; hope to get out this winter with the flinter and some shot and try for some bunnies or squirrels.
Take care..................

Adam Helmer
12-16-2010, 05:58 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I offer one small suggestion: stand your muzzleloader hunting arm muzzle down in a corner with the muzzle on a paper towel for days, or weeks, before the season. Let gravity take oil AWAY from the firelock BEFORE the hunt, but still snap a cap or two.


12-17-2010, 10:24 AM
what mangement unit did you hunt i can understand if you dont want to say but was wondering in if it is the one near were i hunt.
If it is the one that i am thinking of they take a lot of nice bucks from the place becouse of the limmited pressure

Mr. 16 gauge
12-17-2010, 02:51 PM
thanks for the tip.....I did run an alcohol patch down the bore the night before, followed by a dry patch, but will try your advice next time.

check you P.M.s

12-20-2010, 07:59 PM
You only get them when you're out there hunting!

12-20-2010, 11:54 PM
You only get them when you're out there hunting!

That isn't always true. Some people get them while out driving. LOL

12-21-2010, 02:05 AM
Yep..Fabs is rigght. I got my first deer ever with a truck a few weeks ago...Put a dent in the bumper but he went under the truck..DRT.. The guy passing me got 2 or 3..Going elk hunting at 0 dark 30. Saw lots of deer...no elk

Johnny Reb
12-21-2010, 08:02 PM
congrats Mr 16 guage :D theirs nothing better than getting a deer with a traditional muzzleloader.