View Full Version : Heresy! Sacrelige! Abomination!

Mr. 16 gauge
12-15-2010, 07:34 AM
I see now the know-it-all's in Hollyweird have decided to make a movie (I hesitate to call it a "remake") called "True Grit", based on the original movie made by John Wayne.

I, for one, REFUSE to pay money to see it, and I doubt I'll ever watch it.....there is only ONE Duke, and nothing is going to top him! Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn? Come on! What the hell were they thinking? I can see casting Matt Damon in the roll played by Glen Campbell....their both a couple of wussies, IMHO! But recasting the roll of the Duke!? :mad:
I wonder what politically correct B.S. has been contrived to put in this spew!

Next thing you know, Hollywood will try and rewrite the bible......Oh, wait, they already did that with "The Last temptation of Christ"!

What the hell is this world coming to?

12-15-2010, 10:31 AM
I think it was an incredibly bad judgment call for them to remake one of the most popular John Wayne movies of all time. That being said I will see it at some point, if only in the hopes it will motivate hollywierd to make more westerns.


12-15-2010, 01:18 PM
I just cannot believe that Hollyweird has run out of idea's for new movies. I probably will not what this. Its a slap in the face to the Duke.

Gil Martin
12-15-2010, 05:28 PM
The Duke won an Academy Award for True Grit. I have the original movie on tape. There will never be another. All the best...

M.T. Pockets
12-16-2010, 08:58 AM
Matt Damon won't be able to sing the opening song like Glen Campbell did....

Probably my favorite movie of all time. I heard Glen Campbell in concert a few years ago and he talked about how John Wayne came into his studio one day when he was rehearsing for his television show. Glen was John Wayne's daughter's favorite singer and he brought her with. He told Glen that he was going to be in his next movie, Glen said he'd never acted before, (then he said that some people tell him he still hasn't).

Glen said that John won the academy award that year because he looked like such a good actor compared to him when they were together on this movie. Glen admitted he wasn't an actor but he said doing the movie was probably the highlight of his entire career. I think Glen won an award for the song.

Where are they going to find another Lucky Ned Pepper like Robert Duvall ??

12-16-2010, 10:17 AM
It will a disgrace to John Wayne's acting (and the rest of the cast, for that matter) but at least it will have a good story line.

Better than the dang crap those weirdos on the left coast have came up with in years.

new guy
12-17-2010, 06:25 AM
Lucky for them they have special effects to make up for actors they can't replace

12-19-2010, 08:14 AM
Having seen Jeff Bridges latest work, yeah, I can see him as ol' Rooster. From what I have been reading elsewhere, this movie holds more to the book than the Duke's version did - talk about 'hollywoodism'......
Word is that Bridge's Rooster is even more ballsy and profane than The Duke's version.
In John Wayne's defense though, the part of Rooster Cogburn was one of the few portrayals where Wayne actually played the character, instead of simply being "John Wayne dressed as XXXXXX". His range was limited, but his 'presence' was legendary.

Time will tell. I will wait til the DVD hits the bargain bin a Wally's - theatre prices are too danged rich for my working man's wallet!

Now if they ever carry out their threat to 'remake' some old B&W Bogart films (The African Queen and The Maltese Falcon being mentioned) then I will go on the warpath!

12-19-2010, 11:41 AM
"Rooster Cogburn was one of the few portrayals where Wayne actually played the character, instead of simply being "John Wayne dressed as XXXXXX". His range was limited"

Ah, excuse me guys; Sea speaks for himself.....
Sea ..... Go to Milton, Crestview or Defuniak stand on a street corner, one with a red light, and yell that for a few minutes. I bet you $100, bad things happen to you within 15 minutes. Want to bet? I get to come watch, it will be better than going to a Noles/Gators game. I think you might just get away with saying something about someone's mama faster than bad mouthing John Wayne around here. :D

Even the women in NW Florida love John Wane and his movies ..... hello.

12-19-2010, 07:26 PM
Whoa, Rapier ol buddy! I LIKE John Wayne. I've been collecting his movies for awile. But, the Duke is...well, the Duke! He transcends any part he plays. :cool:
And no problems in my slice of North Florida. :D

12-20-2010, 12:35 AM
I think I'll with hold judgement until I see the movie. First off, I like Jeff Bridges. I've heard a few things that lead me to believe he's not the typical Hollyweird flake, but thems was only rumors. I thought he did a decent job in Wild Bill portraying Bill Hickock. Naturally he wouldn't play Rooster the same way John Wayne did, cuz he ain't John Wayne. All I'm saying is cut the guy some slack. He'll either do a good job or not, who knows.
Put it this way. let's say all of us get a chance to play Rooster Cogburn. I'd bet a pretty penny not a one of use would play out the character in the same way. Doesn't mean it would be a bad job of it, just different.
Paul B.

12-20-2010, 07:49 AM
Ha, Ha, ha..... Just pulling your anchor chain. :D

jon lynn
12-20-2010, 06:15 PM
If the True Grit remake made you mad, how did you feel about the (joke) 'remake' of Walking Tall ?

They took a relatively true story of Buford Pusser, and changed it in to an 'action adventure' story.......P'uh!

When ever the modern kinda folks in Kaliphornia decide to make a buck they just steal a classic.

Why not remake movies that weren't done right the first time, and not the ones that are just fine?

12-20-2010, 06:45 PM
Jeff Bridges playing John Wayne's role? Were it not so sad, it would be funny.

I would not watch if they paid me.

12-21-2010, 05:46 PM
So far the only movie I have seen that followed the original book almost exactly is "The Outlaw Josey Wales" - Clint kept very close to the book, "Gone To Texas".
Every movie is the product of the producer and director, more so than anyone else. Though a really good actor can put his stamp on it too.

12-22-2010, 08:58 AM
Josey Wales one of my favorite Eastwood movies. Liked it better than the Dirty Harry series.