View Full Version : Old S&W M-27 6-inch.

Adam Helmer
12-15-2010, 02:36 PM
Today a neighbor came by and offered an old Smith M-27 for a price I could not pass by. I have always liked the .357 cartridge and like Old Smiths. I guess this is justified as another Christmas gift to me. This presupposes we need a reason to get another fine arm.

I am now motivated to get out the Coleman stove and cast up some batches of 148 grain wadcutters, 158 grain SWCs and the Keith 168 grain SWCs. It is a bit cold today, so maybe Thursday or Friday I will get to the tractor shed to cast a bucket of hard Pennsylvania bullets for this M-27.

The new Smiths have the frame-mounted firing pin and locking gizme above the cylinder latch. Them be "Boat Anchors" in my humble opinion. I like Old Smith revolvers and Old Colt automatics.


Gil Martin
12-15-2010, 04:33 PM
I hope that you did the paperwork and background check so Big Brother knows what you have. I have a Model 27 in 5 inch that is a tack driver. All the best...

12-15-2010, 06:24 PM
Adam, my is a pre model 27, 5 screw frame with a 5 in. barrel. At one time in my career I carried it. They are the top of the line S&Ws in my opinion. The old 28 isn't too far behind them, but they are not as finally finished. There's something about .357s on a N frame that I love. Congradulations on your new old Smith.

Adam Helmer
12-16-2010, 10:56 AM

Does "Big Brother" know about all your stuff??? If not, why not? When you worked part time at the local gun shop and you took in guns from widows who were dumping their deceased husband's guns, did you "RUN" all them guns over the DEALER'S books BEFORE you took them home? Tell us about all your great deals that MAY have been off the books.

Why are you so concerned about my compliance with rules you MAY have ignored? Did you ignore rules in your gun acquisitions?


Mr. 16 gauge
12-16-2010, 02:35 PM
First handgun I ever shot was my Uncle's S&W M19 (4" barrel) service revolver (he was a county sheriff). I've always had a like for the looks & feel of the M19 and would eventually like to own one (or the stainless version, the M66) some day.
What is the difference between the M27 and the 19, other than frame size....is the M27 just a bit "beefier"?

Adam Helmer
12-16-2010, 03:01 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I have a few M-19s and like them. They are the mid-size "K" frame guns. The M-27 and M-28 are "N" frames and are a bit "beerier" since the .44 Magnum is also built to the "N" frame.


12-17-2010, 07:33 AM
No paper work required by federal law on personal sales and thankfully none reqired by state law in Wis.

12-17-2010, 09:14 AM
No 27s at this time but I do have 2 first year Highway patrolman guns..a 4 in and a 6 in.. As far as paperwork..I try to avoid it as much as possible.. If Unka Sam doesn't need to know ...I don't tell. Private sales are just that..private...Lighten Up Adam

12-17-2010, 10:15 AM
I like a good 357, good catch. I think Gil may have been being sarcastic there Adam.


12-17-2010, 12:43 PM
Awe brotherly love ain't it great. Sounds like the buckhunter and his brother howver noboday better say anything bad about him.

12-17-2010, 01:16 PM
Heck I ain't even got a buvah..and better not be anybody badmoufin him....an no badmoufin my dawg neever

12-23-2010, 02:25 PM
Only thing I ever needed for my old 8 3/8 M-27 pin barrel gun was a few extra ejector rods. Some how they kept getting bent. Might have had something to do with the 172 Keith bullets and copious amounts or Herco. Sticky shells and not hitting the rod square with the heel of the hand will bend them pretty quick. That was back in my early reloading days when everything was based on How Fast, not how accurate. Now I just shoot holes in stuff, not the air and my guns last a lot longer..... :D

The old 27s are very nice guns. The 6 inch 27 makes a fine hunting gun. A very nice Christmas gift to you.

12-25-2010, 01:10 PM
First handgun I ever shot was my Uncle's S&W M19 (4" barrel) service revolver (he was a county sheriff). I've always had a like for the looks & feel of the M19 and would eventually like to own one (or the stainless version, the M66) some day.
What is the difference between the M27 and the 19, other than frame size....is the M27 just a bit "beefier"?

The M27 and m28 are a whole lot beefier. :D Never owned an M19 but did have a fully engraved M66 4" for a while. Picked it up from a family that needed money for $400. I never did shoot it and sold it at a gun show a few years back for $1,200. :eek::D Pretty little thing but it just didn't float my boat.
I have an M27 and M28, both with 6" barrels. Dunno who worked the M27 over but it's the slickest double action revolver I've ever owned. The M28 had had just enough use that it's almost as slick. :) Hose I won't sell. ;):cool:
Paul B.

12-27-2010, 06:57 AM
Just to add a couple of items. The 28 and the 27 are exactly the same gun except for the finish. The 28 has a textured finish with a "flat" blue job and is the Highway Patrol model. The old 27s have a beautiful polished finish with nothing about them that is 2nd class. When I shot against Jerry M at a qualification match, prior to my going to the FIPT, in the late 80s he was carrying what he claimed to be a stock M-27 in a cross draw holster and it was worth the 2 hour drive just to see the man work. What I saw at about 10 feet did not look like a stock 27 working. :-)

The 19 and its brother the 15 are the smaller K frame versions. The 19 is the Combat Magnum and the 15 is the Combat Masterpiece. All four guns are excellent DA revolvers. I carried a 15 under my fatigue shirt, when we were not supposed to be carrying personal firearms during the unplesetness in SE Asia. That was only so because at the time Smiths were very scarce I could not get a 19 and I got a 15 right off the assembly line thanks to Dick Riley of Hooksett, NH.

I guess I have owned a 19 or 66 most of my adult life. They are my backup hunting handguns when I am out in the woods with a rifle. They go under the jacket and get used for dispatching small critters or wounded game animals that require a second shot.

All of my Smiths are pin barrel guns, "just because," so I have no real experiance with the newer guns. But, the 19/66 has been carried for many years by LEO folks who trust or have trusted the gun with their lives until the autos came down the pike. And I have seen hunting guides all over the country packing a 66 on their hip in the woods. Its light, reliable and tough. I have seen pro hog hunting guides go into brush piles on hands and knees with a 4 inch 66.... not me, but them.

It (old 19/66) probably is the finest DA revolver in the world, based on reliability, accuracy, finish and cost. It is just a very fine gun for the money.

Dan Morris
12-27-2010, 08:34 AM
I gots both the 28 and the 19.........-2's. Probably will never part with em. I just don't feed the 19 a steady diet of mags.......save those for the 28.

12-27-2010, 10:55 AM
I also have a few Smiths..Mostly the smaller cals but I do have a couple of 29-2s One 5 inch 27 a 19-2 a 15-3 a couple of First year Highway Patrolmen one 4 one 6 inch and a 4 inch and 6 inch Nickle M-57. Think I've sold all the Colts except for a 4 inch Diamondback in 22LR and my old SAA in 38-40. I am very partial to the Smiths for some reason. Except for the 28's I think they are a bit more fragile than most Colt DA Revolvers.. That just may be my perception though.