View Full Version : Engraving

Mr. 16 gauge
12-16-2010, 02:22 PM
Looking for some recommendations of books, videos, ect. for metal engraving. I'm a rank beginner, so anything might help.
thanks in advance.............

12-17-2010, 04:44 AM
Mr 16 gauge

Brownell's will have all literature and tools for a beginner metal engraver. We want pictures after you get into it.


12-17-2010, 09:05 AM
BTDT...Alot of work..and the first thing you have to be is an artist..seriously..an artist. Then after practicing for about 10-12 yrs..you may do something really nice...Without the artistic bent it is very ....frustrating..good luck

12-17-2010, 02:38 PM
As I recall that somewhere in Kansas they have a 2 week beginers school. Plus they have advanced courses too. I admire engraveing and checkering but way beyond my capabilities. One has to have the paitence of Job to do it, have a friend that can do excellent checkering and he says you have to be in the mood to do it.

12-17-2010, 03:04 PM
Used to do checkering. It also takes a bit of artistic talent if you use your own patterns. I used boughten patters or patterns from Monte Kennedy's book or others that I copied..made larger smaller or embellished. My work was workman-like but not inspired. Recutting was my best checkering. You could always make the gun look better. One day I realized that if I wanted to go blind I could just CUT my eyes out rather than checker so I stopped..Recut an 1100 not too long ago and came to the same conclusion..leave checkering alone. Recutting anything like an 1100 from impressed to cut was kinda neat and it looked so much better than pressed. I have a standard weight 1100 20 ga I am going to do one fine day(spelled really cold)soon. Maybe in the month with 43 days..you know..February!! As far as engraving..good chicken scratching is really pretty..most other leaves a lot to desire.I had a grade 5 Winchester that was terrible as far as i was concerned. Some D grade 1100's that are really nice and a Bavaria grade Kreighoff that while pretty(and expensive) is somewhat crude when looked at closely. It was done by a lady engraver who didn't have a real grasp on birds. The scroll work is good though. The wood on the gun is by Dockweiler and that guy can make and checker a stock. BTW they also have engraving classes at Trinidad I think..especially summer classes