View Full Version : Another Ruger 10/22

12-17-2010, 02:30 PM
I had a NIB Ruger International 10/22 laying around that I had never done anything with. My friend is a gunsmith and I usually help him out a day or 2 aweek so he gave me a very nice early Christmas present. A Vortex Rimfire scope that is a 2-7-32mm. I mounted with a set of Burris 22RF rings and attached a sling from Jeff's Outfitters. As Mannlicher style stocks have the sling attachements built into the stock attaching a sling a little different. I like the ones from Jeff's because all the buckles are leather covered.

My scoped 22s with rimfire scopes include a Leupold, Sightron and now a Vortex. others bear 1" regular rifle scope. I like the 1" rimfire better as ajusted for paralex at 75 yds. Anyway if looking for a 22 rf scope I highly reccomend the Vortex, they're as good as the others. Have a guarentee that is forever if scope fails no matter who owns it.

12-17-2010, 03:16 PM
I have eyed the Vortek scope line. They seem to be nice looking etal. But they are still a little pricey to start out with. I also have a Leupold 2-7x32 Rimfire. Will probably put it on the 504 Rem I have and take the crappy Simmons off(acually the Simmons works just fine but). Just that like the 77-22 Hornet with the old ugly beat up Simmons on it...it shoots really well and is sighted in. The 504 is my critter getter killing the marauding rabbits with great dispatch to 100 yds as well as one yote that came too close to the house when the 504 was in my hands. That Remington shoots almost any 22 LR round the same..except Stingers. I have some Eley lead Hollow points that I bought years ago that shoot exceptionally well. Never seen any for sale since. As far as 10-22s. Not much use for 'em...but they can really be tricked out..even more so than an AR...which is saying something

12-18-2010, 07:14 AM
Have a Ruger 77/22 rebarreled with a heavy barrel with a Redfield 4-12 Compact. With Ely Shiluetes it is an absulute tack driver. But as I age and none to gracefully, it's to darn heavy for field use. Too darn bad, might be time to pass it off to my daughter.