12-17-2010, 02:30 PM
I had a NIB Ruger International 10/22 laying around that I had never done anything with. My friend is a gunsmith and I usually help him out a day or 2 aweek so he gave me a very nice early Christmas present. A Vortex Rimfire scope that is a 2-7-32mm. I mounted with a set of Burris 22RF rings and attached a sling from Jeff's Outfitters. As Mannlicher style stocks have the sling attachements built into the stock attaching a sling a little different. I like the ones from Jeff's because all the buckles are leather covered.
My scoped 22s with rimfire scopes include a Leupold, Sightron and now a Vortex. others bear 1" regular rifle scope. I like the 1" rimfire better as ajusted for paralex at 75 yds. Anyway if looking for a 22 rf scope I highly reccomend the Vortex, they're as good as the others. Have a guarentee that is forever if scope fails no matter who owns it.
My scoped 22s with rimfire scopes include a Leupold, Sightron and now a Vortex. others bear 1" regular rifle scope. I like the 1" rimfire better as ajusted for paralex at 75 yds. Anyway if looking for a 22 rf scope I highly reccomend the Vortex, they're as good as the others. Have a guarentee that is forever if scope fails no matter who owns it.