View Full Version : Ohio Doe Down

12-21-2010, 11:17 AM
The two-year losing streak ended at 2:07 PM on Sunday when an unfortunate doe walked within 20 yards of my stand in the last remaining hours of Ohio***8217;s shotgun season weekend extension. A perfect neck shot expertly placed allowed the wayward deer only a ten-yard stagger before she collapsed dead. Local residents claimed that my ***8220;Yahoo!***8221; could be heard for miles.

The kids said, ***8220;Yea, Dad got a deer!***8221; My wife said, ***8220;Well, it***8217;s about time, the freezer***8217;s getting a little empty!***8221; ***8220;Bob***8221;, as the kids named her, was pretty good sized. We all look forward to a winter of steaks, chops and whatever else you can make with ground. Ohio***8217;s muzzleloader season is in January, I***8217;ll bring out my CVA inline and try again then. Bottom line: I won't have a full helping of tag soup this year!

We still use 35mm film, and our scanner isn***8217;t working at home. Otherwise, I***8217;d post a picture.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Mr. 16 gauge
12-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Congratualtions, Duffy.....I know the thrill, and I'm glad you now only have to use your tags as a garnish!;)