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View Full Version : Making leather stuff for muzzleloaders...

Adam Helmer
01-14-2011, 12:31 PM
I bought a bushel basket of leather pieces at a yard sale for $2.00 last year. Since then, I have made knife sheaths, possibles bag shoulder straps, flint pockets and leather lacings.

I just looked in the Cabela's Shooting catalog and saw a possibles bag (on page 115) for $179.99, plus shipping. The pouch is 11" high and 10" wide. That is a bit small for all my possibles. We have a "Nitch" indoor perpetual yard sale building just over the hill. They have a huge table of leather purses for $1 or $2 each. I snagged 3 and came home and fitted them all with leather shoulder straps.

My next project is to make a belt holster for my "New Orleans" .45 caliber percussion pistol to go on the same belt with my 'hawk. Ah, thanks for these long Winters in northcentral Pennsylvania.


Mr. 16 gauge
01-15-2011, 07:10 AM
Ah, thanks for these long Winters in northcentral Pennsylvania.

Whatsamatter? Did you run out of Brasso?;)

I've got some leather projects in the works as well......can't afford $179 for a shot snake, so I'm making my own shot bags out of plumbing supplies and scrap leather; I'm currently beading the bags to give it that 'native American' flavor, and that takes some time, but I'll post pics when I get them done.

I'm also working on a knife sheath (almost completed) and I have a gun case that I'm getting ready to start work on (beading). I also received a possibles bag 'kit' from Tandy leather a few Christmas' ago.....guess I should put that together as well!:D

The snow is falling pretty good today, so no trips to the woods......besides, I need to go out and buy some birthday presents & pick up some pigeons for dog training, so the projects will be put on hold......momentarily!;)

Mr. 16 gauge
01-15-2011, 07:12 AM
They have a huge table of leather purses for $1 or $2 each.

Adam, your probably the only person I know who has a Coach possibles bag.......you fashion minded trend setter!:D

Adam Helmer
01-16-2011, 10:56 AM
Mr. 16 gauge,

LOL! Actually, all three leather purses are really swell. They have leather closure gizmos that used a flap to secure the purse. No gaudy brass closures, etc., but neat leather that should be a model for regulation possibles bags. All would fit right in with Mountain Men of the 1820s.


02-23-2011, 03:57 PM
This thread NEEDS PICTURES of your work please..


Mr. 16 gauge
04-22-2011, 09:00 PM
This thread NEEDS PICTURES of your work please..

O.K., here you go.....finally got one done and got some photos of it. Wish I could take credit for the idea/design, but I found it in an article in The Backwoodsman magazine a few years back. Been meaning to make one for a while, and have been working on it off and on.
This one will be for my lead shot; I'm making another one to carry nontoxic shot in for waterfowling/hunting lands requiring nontoxic shot.
I added the beadwork just to give it a more "personal" touch. The bag itself is made of scrap leather that I had from a pair of moccasins I made, and the spout is made from a 1"-3/4" copper reducer I got from Lowe's. It's attached to the bag with copper wire from a disposable medical device I scavaged from the garbage at work. I've made 3 'dippers' for it for various charges of shot: 1 oz, 1 1/8 oz, and 1 1/4 oz. Right now it's holding some #6 shot.




04-22-2011, 11:21 PM
Very nice...You should do a tutorial that would be awesome..

Mr. 16 gauge
04-24-2011, 07:05 AM
Here is another:
I finished the knife some time ago; it's made from an old file and the handle is from and old mule deer antler.
I finally finished the sheath yesterday. It is made from one piece of scrap deer leather. For the beadwork, I imagined some squaw seeing the British flag flying above fort Michilimackinac at the straights and using that as her inspiration.
Happy Easter to all!



04-24-2011, 06:49 PM
Very nice!