View Full Version : .38 Super

01-24-2011, 08:15 PM
I like 1911 semi autos, have 3 .45s and a 9mm. I've never owned a .38 Super and for some reason think I need one. Years back they weren't to accurate because the makers headspaced them on the semi rimmed case. Then someone thought better of it and headspaced them on the case mouth like the .45 acp and 9mm, eurka the Super became accurate.

Anyway who out there shoots one and how do you like it? Any pros or cons? Thanks for any help.

Mr. 16 gauge
01-24-2011, 10:32 PM
Like you, I have always had an interest in the .38 Super; I found one for a steal about 10 years ago....it's a Springfield Armory and apparently no one wanted it because it was a Super, so the price was greatly reduced!:D
I use mine as a carry piece in the winter.....carry it in a Milt Sparks summer special rig. I put the faux ivory(i.e. white plastic) grips on it to give it some contrast.


I've tried several different brands of factory ammo, and found that Winchesters 125 grain Silver tip ammo is the best for me. I would love to see Speer bring out some factory ammo in this caliber using their gold dot bullet, but I doubt will ever happen any time soon.


Pros? It is quite accurate (headspaces on the case mouth, just as you posted previously), with just about any ammo.....I have a handload that shoots a clover leaf group off hand at 15 yards. It has also turned out to be a pretty good cast bullet shooter as well, esp. with LEEs 120 grain TC bullet. If you reload for the 9mm, then you already have the right bullets & powder to choose from, but 20% more case capacity.

Cons? Hope you like the 1911, because thats about the only platform you'll find it chambered in (SIG supposedly made a few in this caliber, but they are scarce as hen's teeth and VERY expensive when they do show up). You won't find inexpensive ammo for it anywhere, and most gunshops don't carry the ammo except on special order. There isn't exactly a dearth of expanding ammo for personal defense, either.

While I like to use mine as a carry piece, I would some day like to use it for hunting.....maybe take a small deer, coyote, or javelina with it some day.

My interst in the caliber started with an old Colt catalog from 1982....saw that they had a Colt "Combat Commander" in .38 Super.....I always thought that gun looked WAY cooler than a regular 1911.:cool:

01-25-2011, 08:11 AM
Thanks for your opinion, I do have a 9 on a 1911 frame a Para PDA. Also don't know how I forgot I've a 1911receiver with a Ciener Platinum .22 upper. Just have the feeling the 38 Super will fit in nicely. I do appreciate the info and you have a nice looking 1911.

01-25-2011, 04:36 PM
In IPSC they call it the 38 Stupid, because folks would always try to push it too close to the 357 Mag and blow up the gun, because the standard 1911 barrel has an unsupported chamber just like the 45 ACP. I have seen several dumb looks on folks faces with the mag on the ground, bottom blown out, bullets everywhere and their hand full of grip pieces. The old Bang-clang routine.

They are a snap to reload and a barrel like a Bar-Sto, with a supported chamber makes them safe and very accurate. They shoot cast like a house a fire and once you get the 38 Super in a fully supported chamber it is a real trip. You can push 160s hard which gives you a whole handful of whup ar8e. As long as you are not pushing them to hard it will eat 357 bullets like candy. Use a profile crimp or a taper crimp die to reload them.

02-05-2011, 06:40 PM
Well I got it finally. Couple of things I didn't count on. One thing it has a rail, so time to order a couple of holsters and it has more gold on it than Mike Tyson has in his mouth. I'll live with that I guess. My question is how do they shoot with the extra weight forward? I am not going to add a light or lazer to it anyway.

12-05-2011, 10:25 PM
I've shot a .38 Super LW COLT Commander for many years.

Mine is very accurate with cast lead 125 gr. round-nose bullets. I seat the bullet to just barely "kiss" the rifling, which really improves the accuracy and grouping.


12-07-2011, 04:51 PM
Would love to have one in a LW Commander to go with my 45 LW Commander. Did buy a second one a Rock Isaland that was nickle plated, put fiber optic sights on. Was just getting it to where I wanted it and my daughter took it to try. She loves it so won't see that again. They are great shooters on the 191 platform.

Mr. 16 gauge
12-08-2011, 12:58 PM
Was just getting it to where I wanted it and my daughter took it to try. She loves it so won't see that again.

Dang kids.....they leave the house and the STILL end up takin' yer stuff!!!!;)

12-09-2011, 07:39 AM
Tell me about it and she'll be 48 in Feb. Problem is she can out shoot the old man in most shooting, except shotgun. Nice thing is she'll do the reloading for the Super as I still have one and someday hope to find one in the Colt LW Commander. She's eyed up my old Colt LW in 45, but no way for now.