View Full Version : polishing hooves

Mr. 16 gauge
02-04-2011, 11:35 AM
I preserved some feet from a couple of deer I took a couple of seasons ago for use to make a gun rack.....the preservation took O.K., but the hooves turned out kinda flat and dull......is there any thing I can do to make them shinier? Any type of polish or something I can put on them to restore that natural luster?

02-04-2011, 02:00 PM
For the black..go to the John Deere dealer..get a little black paint stick with a felt tip.. It also works well for touch up on trigger guards etc made of aluminum as well as receivers like Mossberg shotguns. Brownells sell the same thing in spray cans but the paint sticks work much easier. when ya get the hooves painted the tips will be brighter looking.. kinda off white clear looking..so don't paint them