View Full Version : Nontoxic turkey loads

Mr. 16 gauge
02-11-2011, 11:22 AM
I haven't hunted turkeys too much in the past; just a time or two......so I know just enough to be dangerous!:D

The area I put in for for turkey permits this year encompasses an area of wetlands. Last winter, while turkey hunting, I came across some turkeys & turkey sign.......LOTS of turkeys & turkey sign! I'm thinking about checking this area out thoroughly if I get drawn this year, as I don't think too many folks will be hunting it for turkeys (looks more like a duck area than a turkey area).
At any rate, the lead turkey loads I've developed will be illegal to use here, so I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has hunted a lot with nontoxic shotshells. MI law decrees that no shot bigger than #4 can be used, so that rules out my hevishot reloads (#2s), which would have been my first choice. I was at Gander the other day and they had some Remington HD (3"- 1 5/8oz- #4) on sale...5 rounds/$8 :eek! I also have some older factory loaded bismuth (3"- 1 3/8 oz-#4) I really don't have enough shells to do some extensive pattern testing like I would like to.
Which do you think I should go with? I'm thinking the HD because it is denser, but would like some other opinions.
Thanks in advance.................

02-11-2011, 12:00 PM
HD..and 5 for 8 bucks is fairly cheap. Bismuth is ok..but has a tenddency to crack and split. HD is hard,heavy and not for use in old M-12s and Belgian Brownings. Use it with either an improved mod choke or in a steel shot full

02-11-2011, 08:27 PM
A friend of mine who is a fanatic turkey hunter switched from lead to Hevi Shot because he got better patterns and more range. He tested a whole bunch of different lead, Hevi Shot, and Bismuth loads on the pattern board.
He's shooting a 12 gauge 3 1/2 inch Benelli (I think), and claims the Hevi Shot is a legitimate 65 yard turkey killer.
I'm not certain what size shot he's using.

02-14-2011, 09:07 AM
If you stick with a dense shot like Hevishot or a bismuth load, you will be able to use a smaller shot size than if you stuck with a steel. Because you're head shooting in the spring, I know guys using 7-1/2's believe it or not. My gun shoots #5's the best so that's what I shoot out of it but honestly I haven't used my shotgun in about 8 or 9 years as my non-toxic Easton arrows have been working well enough.

04-11-2011, 07:19 AM
Took out my Browing 2000 yesterday useing the 2.75 in. barrel. I have True Lock thin wall chokes installed in that barrel and installed an extra full flush choke. Tried a no. of lead loads, Kent and Win. 4, 5, and 6s. Both brands threw excellent patterns with 5s. Then went to Heavy Shot Classic Doubles in case I want to hunt a Fed. WPA. Tried both 4s and 5s, each did well, but surprizingly the 4s were better in that particular gun. Have 2 dedicated turkey guns, that'll stay home this year, decided to try the 2000.