View Full Version : heavy cast bullet in .380?

Mr. 16 gauge
02-23-2011, 09:55 AM
Hello all;
I shoot a Walther PPk/s in .380, and I reload for the caliber. Seeing as how I don't shoot it too often (as compared to some of my other guns), I would like to find a way to reduce cost, then number of bullets/amount of powder I keep on hand, ect.
I have an older LEE mold that I use for my 9mm/.38 Super that casts a 111 grain RN bullet.....a little heavy for the .380 maybe, but for plinking and target practice, I'm thinking it will do just fine.
Problem is, I can't find any reloading data for the .380 with a bullet of this weight.....I've found some 115 grain bullet weight data...I'm assuming for jacketed bullets; could I substitute this and start with the lower loads and work up?

02-23-2011, 11:28 AM
I see a few things to consider.
First, the 115 grain bullet is going to take up more of the case volume than a lighter bullet, leaving less room for powder. Smaller space for powder = higher pressure. So, I would start working up loads from quite a low starting point, as and soon as I got reliable functioning, I would stop.
The recoil impulse from a heavier than normal bullet may be a little harder on the gun, too- more violent slide cycling, etc.
Keeping in mind those 2 factors, I don't see why you can't use the 115 grain data.

Adam Helmer
02-23-2011, 11:59 AM
Mr. 16 gauge,

The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook lists a 92 grain RN cast bullet on page 263 and a 121 grain RN cast bullet on page 264 for the .380 Automatic. The 121 grain bullet is Lyman #358242. Let me know what powder you plan to use and I will post the Starting and Maximum powder charges.


Mr. 16 gauge
02-24-2011, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the insight....you brought up a few points I hadn't thought of.

Currently, the only powders I have on hand are SR4756 and Green dot. In the past, I've used AA #5, power pistol, Unique, Herco, Blue dot, Hodgdon Universal, HS6, 700-X, and 800-X. I use a lot of Unique, Herco, and Universal (reloading shotshells), so those are almost always on my shelf.

Adam Helmer
02-24-2011, 02:32 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook says for the .380 and 121 grain cast bullet .980" OAL on page 264:

SR-4756 2.3 grains 662 fps. Max. 3.5 grains 927 fps.

Green Dot 1.7 grains 620 fps Max. 2.3 grains 760 fps.

Hope this helps.
