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View Full Version : Identifying shotgun/value

03-01-2011, 01:19 PM
Guys, I need a little help. A friend of mine has asked me to try and find the value of a shotgun he's wanting to get rid of.

it is a SXS labeled as Antonio Zoli. No real markings as far as model, except for a stamping that says Gardone VT.

There is a single selective trigger with the selector switch directly in front of the trigger. This should be visible in one of the photos.

The only real identifying features are on the buttplate, and inside the action. I've included photos.

If anyone has any insight on this, I would appreciate it.



03-01-2011, 03:51 PM
That is a newer(not newest) A Zoli SxS 12 ga gun. Vent rib is an upgrade on most Zolis. Fairly well made guns. Not top class but ok. This gun was probably made in the 70-80's I would think prior to that they had case hardened receivers. Environmental laws and costs have done away with Case hardened guns in th elower grades. made (probably) in Italy....but they did have some made for them in Spain. If I am not wrong the company is now owned by none other than Beretta. If it is like most European SxS guns..it will need a recoil pad to make it a bit more fun to shoot. Auto safety or manual..ejector gun or lifters.. If ejector..selective to the bbl fired?? Trying to figure a model and real time frame. The engine turned water table is pretty..but of no practical value. The engraving looks kind of basic but hand done it looks like. BBL length?? Fixed or screw choke? 2 3/4 or 3 inch??

03-01-2011, 06:05 PM

Will have to look a little closer when I get back to the house for the extractor/ejector info.

Selector switch for trigger controls which barrel fires first.

I'll check and see if the safety is auto or manual as well...

I'll post more info tomorrow.


03-02-2011, 09:16 AM
Appears to be an Uplander model, always hate to give an estimate, but in my area 600-700. Should have 25" barrels choked IC/M and have ejectors.

03-02-2011, 09:42 AM

Fixed chokes (not labeled), 3" chambers, auto ejectors, manual safety, forgot to measure barrel length...

Imported by the Dakin Gun Co. San Francisco.


03-03-2011, 02:21 AM
I think Popplecop nailed it.. In our area even less..but this is rifle country..lol. All in all not a bad gun and IF it fits and ya like doubles then it may be a good buy for you. Doubles are not getting any cheaper..except those darn Russian guns. Baikals and their ilk.. Personally I have very little use for double guns..even though I have 4 or 5 around..maybe 7 counting that British gun and the Parker. Gonna sell the Parker..It's a DH grade. The Ithaca is off to be somewhat restored..it is a very rare gun though..one of maybe 5 or 7. Should be a shooter for you though. Put a pad on it. I had one of the Beretta Doubles and oh lord..it was a mule

03-06-2011, 08:57 PM
barrels are 26".

Not sure if that makes a difference. I do know that those nice little hard black butt plates make those things a bit unpleasant to shoot...


03-14-2011, 03:07 PM
Agree with comments, decent SxS made in Brescia Italy, where Beretta and a few other Italian shotguns are made. Disadvantage with fixed chokes, especially nowadays with steel shot becoming more and more mandatory. I think it would move at $500-, tops $800- if you wait long enough for the right buyer.

Not sure if Beretta owns them or not, they do have a website if you're interested: http://www.zoli.it/index.php

04-14-2011, 08:51 PM
I'm not a ZOLI expert, but their new O/U's start above $3k. This used SxS may well be over $1k.

I'd suggest you contact : WWW.FIELDSPORTLTD.COM