View Full Version : Iron sight 357 mag single shot?

03-12-2011, 02:17 AM
I know I have seen them in the past but does anybody but thompson still make a single shot iron sight 357 mag rifle? I just dont care for the Thompson grip and stock geometry. Wish I could find one of the old h&r iron sight 357s but marlin nixed that line when they bought them. A guy I knew had one with a full length stock that looked and shot amazing. The bugger sold it off to a pawn shop a few years ago without saying a word... Anyway just asking.


Mr. 16 gauge
03-12-2011, 10:00 AM
Found this on "Gallery of Guns":


03-12-2011, 12:19 PM
Mr 16 I am staggered. I have been sniffing around a year looking for that bugger. Thanks for the link, I am going to get ahold of them and see what they say. I wish that it showed upon H&Rs website.


Mr. 16 gauge
03-12-2011, 05:47 PM
Glad it helped.....hope you get your rifle soon.

03-13-2011, 12:26 AM
We'll see if I can squeeze it by the wife after I contact them. Right now the purse strings are drawn tight due to various issues we have with the economy, but you never know.


03-13-2011, 10:25 AM
I too wanted iron sights on the accessory .357 barrel I got for my Handi-Rifle but, at least at the time I ordered it, it was not to be. I ended up putting a low-power scope on it and it works fine, but I'd rather have had the open sights.


03-20-2011, 04:39 PM
If you can find one, Ruger made a limited run of commemerative #1A rifles for the California Highway Patrol. They came with iron sights and scope rings too. At least mine did. There were 500 rifles marked for the CHP and I believe 250 that were not marked. The latter draw big bucks but the CHP marked gun while expensive are less. I'll be selling off a big portion of my Ruger #1 collection at a gun show in April. I haven't decided if that .357 will go or not.
The wife and kids say I have way too many guns and they have no idea what to do with them should I croak so I've decided to sell off the safe queens which most of the Ruger #1's are. There's also quite a few FN mausers I bouht to ebarrel and just haven't had quite the cash to do it. I figure the money I get from the sales will pay for a few nice hunting trips for some trophy game. maybe a few Texas exotics as I figure I'll never get to Africa unles I win the lottery an you know what my chances are for that. :(
Kind of sad in a way because my guns are like my children. I've had them for a very long time.
Paul B.

04-24-2011, 07:38 AM
The other alternative to the Contender/Encore, Handi Rifle, #1s in 357 and 357 Super mag is the Martini cadet. It is a very popular rebarrel and you might find one if you look a while. But the Handi Rifle will be the least expensive full gun, rifle. Oh, wait a minute, savage made a 357 OU combo gun also. The savage is a 357/20ga.

PS: Paul, how did the sale go or did you "find something else to do" on the show date. I just took a large gun case full to my son in Vegas, same reason.

04-25-2011, 06:20 PM
I made out pretty doggone good. I sold $1,050 worth of guns and have promises on three more, one for $850, another for $500 and one for $300 which the guy stopped by last night and picked up. The reason the $850 wasn't sold was the guy got hurt and was in hospital but he's gauranteed money in the bank. I just got a commitment on another rifle last night from the guy that bougth the $300 gun for another for $500 which he'll come by and pick up in a couple of weeks or so. Frankly, I think I did a hell of a lot better than most at the show. The Good Lord was on my side. :cool:
Paul B.

04-26-2011, 07:15 AM
Sounds like you did well towards meeting your objectives. I am sure you noticed at the show two items that reflect on a seller's end result, the start price per item (should be fair) and the attitude, (to include staying at the table to talk to folks).It is always amazing to me how so many folks decry the public not buying their wares when they are themselves the culprit in the process.

Now perhaps you can start a couple of your projects.

I keep doing that, I decide to thin the herd then get star struck and here we are again. My latest is my night hog gun, for a can mount with sub sonic rounds, a 6.5 Grendel...... Why?.... I did not have one. :D