View Full Version : Our PA snow is gone-time to shoot the semis.

Adam Helmer
04-06-2011, 11:44 AM
Spring is here and our snow FINALLY left us with soggy ground and lots of mud. That is ok, at least we can "police up" our semi-auto brass after each backyard bench/range session.

During the heavy snow/ground cover we just shot revolvers so we could collect our fired brass. I missed the Luger, P-38, S&W 645 and the 1911. Unfortunately, it is a rain/snow mix today, so I am doing computer stuff.

Ok, some may ask why I do not shoot in the rain. My stock answer is: "The only guns I ever got wet were the Government's." I maintained them, but they were never close to my heart. I refuse to take my guns out into inclement weather when tomorrow may be sunny, LOL.


04-08-2011, 04:06 PM
I know what you mean about finding your brass. will have to start mowing in a month. Wish we could afford to blacktop it, make things easier. Afraid my revolvers both da and sa have been ignored for quite awhile. Funny when it comes to shotguns my pumps and semi autos gather dust and I shoot mostly SxSs and O/Us. Might even hit 80 Sun. but then the high Mon 60, might just get a heck of a storm out of that.