View Full Version : New Zealand Trip

04-08-2011, 02:12 PM
We just returned from an unbelievable trip to Kanuka Wilderness Hunting on the north island of New Zealand. In 4 hunting days John and I took the (2) Silver class Stags, an incredible Gold Medal Fallow deer and a number of management and meat animals.

Neil, and our two guides Robbie and Shane were superb in every aspect that you would judge an outfitter or guide by. The scenery and terrain was spectacular, with ridges and deep gorges that have to be seen to believe.

This is a hunt based upon a daily rate and trophy fee basis that you can do for less than a lot of guided elk hunts in the west! Without a doubt, and with no reservation I would whole heartedly recommend Neil's operation for anyone with a bit of interest. To top it all off, we flew back with our horns as checked luggage and have them sitting in my office as I write this! SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!

04-08-2011, 02:20 PM
A view of a portion of Neil's hunting area. Note the cliff walls. There are massive elevation changes between the ridges and bottoms of as much as 1000ft down and back up.

04-10-2011, 02:26 AM
Beautiful pics. The animals are stunning, as is the background.

04-13-2011, 09:33 AM
Very beautiful scenery and nice trophies, thanks. Oh, to be young again.

04-13-2011, 10:38 AM
Popplecop, to be truthful, we were the youngest guys they've seen in a couple of years! Neil told us that the average hunter they get is well into their 60's and the week before we were there they had a hunter that was 76 that had brought his 14 year old grandson. So you're never too old or young I guess! They can access most of the wilderness area by quad and in fact the biggest stag we saw while there we saw while out on a quad ride.

A number of outdoor channel people have been with Neil hunting (Tom Knapp with Bennelli USA, Kip and Kat Cambell from Red Arrow and others) So most of that hunting they used a vehicle to get to the high points to glass then stalk from there (just from the sheer number of people and camera equiptment involved)

04-16-2011, 08:41 PM
The background is just as amazing as your animals... WOW.

04-20-2011, 10:38 AM
Couple of more pics. Stags for comparison....scores were within 1-3/8". The Hut that we stayed in.