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View Full Version : Please help! Gun Value - 870 Wingmaster

Packer Backer
04-11-2011, 12:13 PM
Hi Everyone,

I hope someone out there can help me with the value of a gun that I own. I'd like to trade it for a pistol, but I'm not sure what's it's worth.

870 Wingmaster (fixed barrels) - 12 Gauge - Serial number V 88000 5V

28" Modified barrel.
28" I.C. Barrel also included
Smooth bore slug barrel with fixed sights - also included.

The gun and all three barrels are in great condition, with only a few minor surface scratches.

I was able to buy the package for $150 from my father's friend, but I know it is worth much more.... I'd be interested in knowing the value of each of the components, as well as a "package".

Thank you so much,

04-11-2011, 07:48 PM
Yep..the gun is worth much more than you paid..but not as much as you may think. 870 Express guns at Wally World etc have depressed the prices on 870s with fixed chokes. I know it doesn't make sense but even at the gun show this last weekend..870s were priced under 250(used) with screw chokes. If the extra bbls are vent rib.... They are worth anywhere from 35 bucks to about a hundred..full chokes less..mods a bit more IC a little more Skeet chokes up to 100....or maybe a bit more I bought a nice VR FC this weekend for 35 bucks.. but the smooth slug bbl will go for 80-125 average. If the 870 is a 3 inch gun it will go for a bit more than what I quote..and in different parts of the country they may go for more..Many gun prices are a bit lower right now.. People have no money..so they don't buy like they did. A year ago..at the gun show I did..about 450 bucks is the price where people threw on the brakes..this year..300 or maybe a little less. In my opinion..I would keep it and find the money to buy a handgun.. In a couple years they price of guns will probably really rise..

04-14-2011, 07:49 AM
Agree with Skeet. Have owned Wingmasters since 52, still have one made in 52 a 16 ga. Skeet Model and so marked. Your 870 and extra barrels are worth any 2 expresses in my opinon. I had one Express and handled I don't know how many, to me there isn't any comparison. The one I had was also in 16 with an extra Wingmaster Slug barrel, gave it to my daughter and her 2 boys. I would hang on to it and find the money elsewhere for the handgun.

04-14-2011, 10:31 AM
I wasn't saying that the 870s have lot value.. they have gone down in price. The earlier Wingmasters were pretty good operating guns They were polished and some handwork done to make them smoother than the express guns are. You have to run about a 1000 shells through an express to get some real smoothness to them now....but once you get 'em shot a good bit they work just as well as the old ones...but much uglier..LOL When I tried my first 870 wayyy back yonder..even when they were pretty smooth..I thought..oh yuk..gimme my Model 12 back. I have an almost new 870 20 ga skeet gun from 1954 I think... It is nowhere near as smooth as any model 12 or Rem 31 but much better than the new 870 Express guns. Keep the old Wingmaster..You'll be glad you did

Packer Backer
04-18-2011, 09:11 AM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the input. Maybe you are right; I think I'll hang on to it. My boys are 10 and 8, and I may find a need for it with them one day. Besides, my father told me to "never sell a gun".


04-18-2011, 11:11 AM
lol skeet i bought one of those ugly 870 expess guns over 10 years ago bought it at gander mountain when they had a sell and i got a rebate when it was all said and done i paid 179 dollers for it.
I have sense spray painted the wood stock I bought this gun just to hunt hard with and beat up.
I have also lost count of the deer that have been killed with it.

Mr. 16 gauge
04-18-2011, 11:25 AM
Saw quite a few over the weekend at various pawn shops and gun stores w/ used gun racks. The older guns with the better finishes were going for $250-$275; these were with plain barrels (w/ vent ribs, add about $15-20). All were 12 gauge.
Quite a common find in the used racks around here, and as skeet said, the newer "Express" models have caused prices to take a bit of a tumble. I have an express model that I use for waterfowling; bought it specifically for that purpose in mind, as I new it would get dunked, dinged, banged around, stepped on, muddy, ect. I put a synthetic stock on it after I found that the wood one swelled up horribly and changed my POI when I shot it. It still serves me well, and with a little TLC I think it will last many more seasons.

04-18-2011, 02:49 PM
lol skeet i bought one of those ugly 870 expess guns over 10 years ago bought it at gander mountain when they had a sell and i got a rebate when it was all said and done i paid 179 dollers for it.
I have sense spray painted the wood stock I bought this gun just to hunt hard with and beat up.
I have also lost count of the deer that have been killed with it.

Luckily I do not have one of them ugly 870 Express guns. But as you have found out..they work and work well. Still better lookin than one of them Menelli Plastic pumps...which also work..but they work really ugly. I did have one of the express finished lemon 87s. It was a bit ugly but shot really well. Went duck huntin one Saturday a few years ago..Eastern Shore Marsh..oh that gun was mucked up pretty good..Next day I went to a gun club I belonged to..just to say hi.. Guy there shamed me into shootin the club championships..He laughed when i brought the ol lemon 87 out..wiped the mud offin it..proceeded to shoot a hundred..He was really torqued when I beat him in the shootoff for the club championships..him with his 20 grand Krieghoff...and me with a muddied up 4 hundred buck gun.. The 870s are ok guns they work and that is what the everyday shooter/hunter needs..Like Mr 16 said.. He bought it cause he was certain it would get messed up..dunked etc etc..Keeps on working..just like a Timex..takes a lickin and keeps on tickin. Just as an aside..all those years I guided Md waterfowlers and deer hunters..the 870 was probably the most prevalent gun with real hunters..There were a lot of others of course..like the Auto 5 and others..But the 870 was a workin guys gun...I mean a guy that worked at hunting.. The guides #1 gun I used a M-12 till steel shot came in..after that I went to an 1100...one of the few that shot one...but I maintained it too.