View Full Version : Obama

jon lynn
05-02-2011, 08:25 AM
I know y'all are going to nuke me on this.

But he produced a birth certificate, and is the one who got Binladen on his shift.

No, I still do not think he is a good president, but as you know I wasn't impressed with W either.

I'm just busting you chops.....in a friendly HC way naturally.

But let us seriously salute the US Special Forces. They once more proved their worth, and showed vigilance, and stuck to the mission! I hope the sniper who took the shot likes his liquor, because he shouldn't have to pay for a drink for life!

05-02-2011, 09:01 AM
The intelligence for the operation to Bin Laden originated starting in 2005 and Obama was not in office then and it came from interrogations that happened at Guantanamo Bay (Imagine that).

He did sign the operational order that started the actions taken to kill the old stinker and Good-O for him for finally taking some action other than thinking of himself and his golf game.

As far as his birth certificate, I don't know if it was a real one or not. Its should be pointed out that on the Birth Certificate that his father is listed as being from Kenya, and that Obama was born in in 1961. The only problem is that Kenya did not exist in 1961. It did not became Kenya until later, 1963 I think.

Just my thoughts.

05-02-2011, 09:45 AM
Kenya declared its independance from british rule on Dec 12th 1963, It became an independant country Dec 12th 1964 one year later.

If nothing else I WILL give him credit for ordering the strike, he is finally acting like an American Preseident.


05-02-2011, 11:21 AM
As far as his birth certificate, I don't know if it was a real one or not. Its should be pointed out that on the Birth Certificate that his father is listed as being from Kenya, and that Obama was born in in 1961. The only problem is that Kenya did not exist in 1961. It did not became Kenya until later, 1963 I think.

Just my thoughts.

As far as the birth certificate..yep..no Kenya prior to 1963.... British East Africa..and he's had 2 years to have a fake made up...And in my opinion he will never start acting like real American president(and he'll never be MY president) in fact I don't think he even acts like a true lover of the United States and neither does his wife. :mad:

05-02-2011, 12:07 PM
The official name of the country during British colonial rule was British East Africa. However, the country was commonly referred to as Kenya, even by the British, dating back to the 18th century.

05-02-2011, 05:47 PM
Apparently Osama was hiding behind one of his wives when he was taken out.
Almost gotta feel sorry for a guy who gets in trouble with many wives.
Dunno how he was killed but hiding directly behind someone, whether you're shot with a rifle or an M203 just means that many will die, and not just one.

Mr. 16 gauge
05-02-2011, 06:36 PM
The intelligence for the operation to Bin Laden originated starting in 2005 and Obama was not in office then and it came from interrogations that happened at Guantanamo Bay (Imagine that).

Hmmm.......so I guess water boarding worked after all!;)

jon lynn
05-03-2011, 01:11 AM
About the naming, Kenyan's always called it Kenya. The Brits gave it the regional name, for the tea and coffee business.

Remember once in a blue moon, while I was still living in Germany, I would run in to older Brits who still call the USA......get this......'The Colonies'......really! I almost blew a gasket the first time I heard this.

05-03-2011, 09:55 AM
My biggest issue with this whole thing is the fact that he's known where Osama was hiding since AUGUST. And yet as soon as his fake birth certificate comes into question, he suddenly decides he has "enough information" to take action. What a load of crap.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the timing on this one REALLY STINKS...

05-03-2011, 10:08 AM
Everything about this guy stinks. EVERYTHING!!

05-03-2011, 11:05 AM
Oh I didn't say he was ever going to be MY President, and I think this will probably be the single act of a American President he ever does. He's a fake, a phony, and yeah why did it take this many years to come up with a birth certificate?


05-03-2011, 12:27 PM
No comment on the political BS and your brave President. These folks have already told on themselves in the details, not weeks, this deal has been cooking for months.

Hats off to our SOG guys that finally got the green light and pulled the trigger on this scum sucker. But, he should have had a better Muslim send off, a "Deadwood send off" would have been a nice touch. Oink, Oink.....

Adam Helmer
05-03-2011, 01:50 PM
jon lynn,

No Nukes from me. As for the Birth Certificate, understand the Bureau Of Engraving works for the President and he could get any PERFECT Document needed for whatever need. I am not a "Birther", but documents coming from a President who shielded them for years is a cause for consideration.

I saw on Fox News yesterday that it was attributed to Obama that the Seals were Ordered to KILL OBL. In the newspapers today it said the Order was: "Kill or Capture." Judge Napolitano was livid a Prez would Order a CONTRACT. Whatever.

As a retired lawman, I am disgusted that the News Outlets continue to release investigative techniques of how we found OBL. Why do they need to "Blow our Cover" on Successful Missions? We cannot use cell phone data, courier nick names, etc., ever again due to News Outlet Releases!


05-03-2011, 05:51 PM
The fact that the US tracks cell phone data and couriers, etc, is not news. That information has been out there for years.
Go back and look at news reports about the capture of other terrorists, going back to 2002, you'll see the same info.

Mr. 16 gauge
05-03-2011, 06:04 PM
Why do they need to "Blow our Cover" on Successful Missions?

Yeah, especially when we can give it to our Pakistani "allies" and let them do it......

Just sayin';)

jon lynn
05-03-2011, 08:36 PM
Well you guys will never like him I guess.

But remember I hated Bush, who by the way had a DWI and was a coke-head, and if he wasn't a politician he couldn't get a security clearance if he need on for a job.

05-04-2011, 08:13 AM
The fact that President Bush was a alcoholic was not a secret and he never denied that fact. The cocane charge was put up by the democratic liberal commie socialist.

It was also reported that uncle barry (obama) was a coke dealer as well as very deep into organized crime (i.e. mob ties).

But who would believe everything that you hear and or read?


05-04-2011, 09:16 AM
Yeah well my problem's with Bush have nothing to do with his past as a college frat party guy. It had to do with me feeling that as strong as he ended his presidency he started out pretty weak.

My problem with Obama is that his policies have destroyed this country, and I don't believe he is a citizen (IE he never should have been president), AND I think he was put in simply to make as big a mess as possible, and he has suceeded.

Our military should be congratulated, and it was their work not his that allowed them to push forward. However if Carter had not put a strangle hold on spec ops,etc when he was a president they wouldn't have been standing around asking "mother may I" for the last few years.


05-06-2011, 06:54 PM
They aren't releasing pics of OBL.
I think there's two reasons for this.
1) Jaundice. Rumours are that OBL had kidney failure as he had been receiving dialysis so wasn't going to be around for long anyway.
2)If you shoot someone in the face the hole ain't that big but when an execution-style shot is put into the back of the head the bullet will take far more with it when leaving via his face

05-07-2011, 03:47 PM
I think this info below is a more realistic scenario . . . full Q&A at link, but of course, as Prez, you get all the credit no matter which way an op falls out. There is a whole lotta stuff that goes on behind closed doores . . .

White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden

Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?
A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.


05-10-2011, 10:51 AM
Well you guys will never like him I guess.

But remember I hated Bush, who by the way had a DWI and was a coke-head, and if he wasn't a politician he couldn't get a security clearance if he need on for a job.

Why am I not surprised that you do (like Obama).

05-10-2011, 11:36 AM
Well you guys will never like him I guess.

But remember I hated Bush, who by the way had a DWI and was a coke-head, and if he wasn't a politician he couldn't get a security clearance if he need on for a job.

Jon.. How can any real, caring American like a person who has done to this country what Nobama has done to it. He is truly destoying it from within..his(and his US hating wife) goal from the first. Many of the people who think he is doing good are kinda European based in their thinking. Socialism..and communism type thinking. But even the Europeans are coming to realize that Socialism doesn't even work..much less communism. It is truly time to stop this ridiculous "experiment"!! Actually past time. And BTW Bush was nowhere near as bad as these idiots we have running the country now

05-11-2011, 12:20 PM
If I'm not mistaken many Governments use the media to give false information to throw off our their enemy's. I cannnot believe that that the CIA and FBI would be that dumb. Then again, who knows.

05-12-2011, 07:31 AM
Fake birth cert?...yep, I think anyone could of made it up for him..to satisfy the 'sheep'...Something I did notice though, at first he said, I got OBL..I ordered the attack, I this/I that....didn't seem much like giving credit where was due.......now think of this..and notice, he has sort of changed his tune..'special forces' shot OBL..our military got OBL..I think it has something to do with the finger pointing and he don't want to be held responsible for any repro might come his way...also, OBL son wants to sue the US for his dads death...said was a violation of Nato rules to use military to enter Pack and get him...so how much money will he get or maybe even give him a building over looking ground 0....no taxes owed..new car..medical insurance all that...I still say we need to wise up and gather at the states capitals..then march on to WDC..and do as egypt etc have done....get him and all the rest out that want to destroy our America.

jon lynn
05-12-2011, 07:44 PM
dovehunter I take great offense at your post.

First off I don't like Obama.

I just proved a point. All the non-proven things about Obama are of great interest to places like Fox News. But I mention things about Bush with the same evidence I am attacked.

All the wrong issues are being addressed. I never really thought the birth certificate was an issue, I don't think its a fake. But it is too late for that kind of discussion. He is there in DC. Unless someone figures a way to impeach him or pin some crime on him, at least get the opposition to work to force him to do something, anything.

But rather than dog him about the the unproven stuff, dog him on the fact he has/and is doing NOTHING. I honestly can't see a single thing he did, except bail the American car companies. I liked that because the thought of China owning Ford or Chevy made me cringe.

I think it was necessary, an I agreed on the invasion Afghanistan 100% I still think Iraq was pointless, or even could have been greatly delayed. Still no WMD.

And finally I do know the Euro system he and Clinton think would work for us won'. Because it does not work for the Europeans.

05-12-2011, 10:24 PM
Jon.. Not a shot at ya..but think thou doest protesteth too much. Was Bush bad for the country?? Maybe..but Bush for the last 2 years dealt with a democratically controlled congress. To get anything done he HAD to compromise. The bailout of the car companies was the wrong thing to do.....but Obama did it. How can a president Fire the head of a private company?? Personally I think it was wrong to do so.As far as the buyout of the car companies... Let 'em sink or swim on their own merits. The things that were really wrong that have been done by the Democraps and their fearless "leader" are first the original bailout money. Devalued our money by approx 25%. Bailing out the banks..was wrong.. Making banks take loans for property by people who had no way to repay..and guaranteeing the loans with Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae...meaning you and me as taxpayers was wrong. Ok Ok Blame that on Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.. but why are they not in JAIL?? There are others who are complicit..why are they not in JAIL?? The bad thing about Obama is that he is so quick to blame all his troubles on others before him..lust like you do with Bush..he blames his troubles on BUSH.. But remember..Bush never got us in such economic trouble as quickly as this bunch has done in under 3 years. Afghanistan is a place we should NOT be..Iraq..was a believable invasion.. Saddam was a murderer..as was Osama Bin Hiding. If we should be fighting anywhere..it should maybe be in Iran.. Personally I feel we should bring all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan home..protect our southern border..round up all the illegals and send 'em back..fine the companies who gave 'em work and start over with allowing people in the country to WORK..no welfare..no Social security unless they pay and no babies born here of non immigrant workers can or should be considered citizens. But politicians(read Democrats) want that to be..They want to make 'em instant citizens and increase the burden on taxpayers even more so. To be really hionest I don't have much use for the Republicans either. Unlike you.. I do wonder why Obama spent a million dollars fighting the birth certificate issue for more than 2 years.. If a person had 2 years and a million bucks to come up with a birth certificate.. I can bet it would be a really good one..fake or not. No matter how you may feel..it's not just a...well..whatever, dude... issue. Constitutional law really does matter....and Obama just wants to ignore and destroy that and not follow common sense rules of law. Read my tag line..think about what it means. We might have democracy..but liberty is a fleeting thing...and only retained by vigilance. We have NOT been very vigilant

05-13-2011, 08:21 AM
Guys, Frankly you are looking at the surface of the lake, with absolutely no understanding of how deep the water is.

"Still no WMD" You are either the most uneducated military veteran or the dumbest SOB that ever went through basic CBR. If you do not understand the reference then you are not only ignorant you are stupid. The weapon was there all the time, right in front of you. I will give you a hint, what was it that they kept finding in ammo dumps, in great quantity that did not belong there?

Skeet, you have been a victim of bait and switch. You are POed because the bailouts were done. That is the surface, the depth, is the why? One example, the US Government "lent" billions to AIG, correct? Why? As a former AIG employee, let me enlighten you. What company is the largest insurer of pension plans on the planet? What company insures the House and the Senate pension plans, which are outside the normal federal employee pension plans? Whose money was used to prop up the future retirement payments to politicians we all love? Your money.

What the Democrats have done is to spend trillions, not bailing out; they are buying votes with the US Treasury. They do not give a rat dropping about GM, it is the employee union.

Barney Franks is not so bad about Fanny and Freddie that was more votes bought from the gimmie for nutin folks; it is ACORN where he shines. He knew they were criminals before he came up with piles of money for them. But the real huckster is Harry Reid who used them to fix his election in Nevada with fraudulent, dead voters. Acorn has or is on its way to a well-deserved death, but the real perps are still walking the halls in Washington, with won election trophies on their walls. Barney Franks is a facilitator of criminals.

Let's talk about lies: How did you like your President's little comedy routine in EL Paso, did you like the bald faced lie about the 5% completed fence being finished. Just how much are you going to swallow before you rise up?

Let us talk about gas and your "Change" that you now have left from a $5 bill. What has your genius done to help you? Was it threatening the Egyptians and having the Saudis step up and promise replacement of billions in aide? Perhaps it was threatening the Saudis security by supporting those that would overthrow the royal family? Well guy what has every President done when faced with high gas prices, in the past? He went to the Saudis and asked that they increase their production to crush the speculators and reduce the price of oil. Well, where is your President going to go now? Huh, exactly where? The depth in this case is his arrogance and stupidity in foreign affairs. He and the witch have screwed up the Middle East like two Peanut Farmers from Plains working over time.

Afghanistan; you really have no clue do you? Afghanistan is not important for any other reason than we trained the fighters and they turned their training upon us and other western countries in the world and we are responsible. We trained them to fight for liberty, justice and the American way. We created the monster and we walked away and left the monster to be taken over by extremists who have and are using our Frankenstein to kill thousands, not for what they have done, but who they are, anything except a Muslim. My family spent 4 years in Pakistan, at the border with Afghanistan. You cannot deal with these folks, as enemies you must kill them, because they live by the feud and their beliefs are based on the same teachings as the Old Testament. We have started; we better finish, because they will not quit. The bottom line is, with Afghanistan, you are not safe in your home, right here, unless we crush organized resistance there. Should we have thought long and hard before, yes, but now it is an all out kill or be killed war. We cannot leave them unless we want to face continuous attacks in the future, right here.


05-13-2011, 09:10 AM
Not everyone is quite as dumb as you may think... The Barney Franks and bailouts and buy outs are only indications of our gummit doing things to us instead of for us, Ed. I understand. As far as Afghanistan..there is a real cure even if we pulled out completely. I understand they live by the feud. How do you deal with those people??.. By using their own codes upon them..but we(the US and other European countries) are civilised. You can not deal with them by the code of civilised values.. You cannot win that way..as you have stated. The only way to win a war..is to be nastier than the other guy. And I do know that. As far as Jon Lynn..I don't know. I realize there are times, I , am not nice! You are wrong..we can leave Afghanistan and be safe here..but let them know..mess with us and we will kill your whole family..the whole village you come from..Not nice..but nasty..but for the most part it will work . Yeah yeah..there are always some who that will not work on..but there are many like that in our own country. We do not need to be the world's policemen.. When dealing with these kinds..we just have to kill 'em all. Like the Killing of Bin Hiding....it is the real way to deal with them..but NOT 10 yrs later