View Full Version : Who carries in a "Fanny Pack?"
Adam Helmer
05-08-2011, 02:45 PM
Warmer weather is upon us and CCW Carry is now relegated to what is concealable in my state. We have a 2-inch Colt Cobra .38 Special and a 3-inch S&W M65 .357 that, individually, fit nicely in a fanny pack. I often use this setup and never have been "Made" as "Carrying."
My fanny pack is a breakaway type that opens instantly along a velcro strip on the top or the side. We use it often and feel safer for the presence of our CCW arm. We carry it everywhere and it has not been a source of concern among all the other fanny packs in use. The least concern has been when I carry the fanny pack in the rear of my body rather than in front: Nobody notices. I liken it to "Hiding in plain sight."
Mr. 16 gauge
05-09-2011, 09:13 AM
Never liked the idea of carrying in a "bag"....I know that there are some out there that are specifically designed for concealed carry, with hidden 'pouches' for one's armament, but to me to use a 'fanny pack" (or as we have named them--fag bag) is not so much concealed carry.....might as well carry in a zip up pistol case. Seems to me that drawing and firing, esp. under stress, would be too slow.
Also, it's just too easy to forget get ones "pack' some place, or to have it stolen.
Just MHO.....
...and just for the record, I feel women who carry their firearms in a purse are at the same disadvantage.
05-09-2011, 11:42 AM
Now Mr. 16 ga stop making fun of our Man Purses. Its funny I make anyone wearing one of those. They look different from the regular fanny pack.
Now Mr. 16 ga stop making fun of our Man Purses. Its funny I make anyone wearing one of those. They look different from the regular fanny pack.
Nearly spat my coffee over the keyboard , in the UK a Fanny is the name given to a ladies private parts ie a c--t :D
a man purse is one thing (a satchel, a european shoulder bag, etc) a fanny pack? i also dont like the concept of a bag that can be set down, left in the car and so on. also any one else carrying concealed knows darn well what you got there... a gun or make up. i too am looking for new options as it gets hot, pocket carry works so well in cargo shorts, i also like being able to have a hand on the grip and any body else sees just a guy with his hands in his pockets. this came up at work. we have a comic on the wall where a female coworker says to a guy "whatever you are carrying in there can not be worth looking that rediculous" .... debatable when talking concealed carry.. kt
Mr. 16 gauge
05-10-2011, 08:20 PM
Nearly spat my coffee over the keyboard , in the UK a Fanny is the name given to a ladies private parts ie a c--t
O.K., Eggy....but just remember this: YOU brought it up!;)
True story time.....I used to work in an E.R. in a hospital in Detroit about 30 years ago; the Director used to have some great "strange, but true..." stories. One of them (that happened a few years prior to my working there) involved a female inmate from one of the State prisons that was being transferred (I assume for court) to the city. While on the drive, the bus driver hit a pothole or bump or some such thing and heard a loud "wump" or "thump", and just assumed that something had hit the bus. Shortly thereafter, one of the prisoners on the bus collapsed, so they brought her to the nearest E.R. (ours). She had every symptom of shock Shallow respirations, rapid pulse, low BP....the docs couldn't figure it out. On X-ray, they saw a bullet in the lower part of her chest. Then someone got the bright idea to do a pelvic exam on her, and lo and behold! The found a small, .25 caliber striker fired semiauto pistol in a "unique" holster!:o Turns out that apparently, when the bus hit the pothole, the force jarred the firing pin loose from the sear and the gun fired. I'm told she survived after surgery.
So, more talk about "fanny" packs, O.K.? Or man purses, ect!;):D
i need documentation to find that believable... good story either way, but as a proffessional BS artist, i recognize good work :)
05-11-2011, 07:04 AM
Me thinks that deserves a BS flag and a good shot of BS spray. Sounds like a South American two headed alien story from a rag sheet. After a cavity search and all... metal detectors, etc. That is an after the hunt camp story where everone gets quiet and busts out laughing at the same time.:D:D
Mr. 16 gauge
05-11-2011, 07:14 AM
i need documentation to find that believable... good story either way, but as a proffessional BS artist, i recognize good work
Me thinks that deserves a BS flag and a good shot of BS spray. Sounds like a South American two headed alien story from a rag sheet. After a cavity search and all... metal detectors, etc. That is an after the hunt camp story where everone gets quiet and busts out laughing at the same time.
If you choose not to believe it, so be I said, it was told to me. And as for proof....well, with HIPPA now, we'll never know for sure. However, I did see some things that you can file under "Ya'll ain't gonna believe this ****!" .....a lot involving inserting things up the rectum that really didn't belong there. One was a coke bottle, that had to be surgically removed; the other was a sweet potato, which the individual tried to remove with a screw driver and perforated his rectum.
As for the metal detectors, body cavity searches, ect.....don't forget that this was 30+ years ago....we never had metal detectors in our E.R., and I know that the major E.R.s in the city didn't either. It was a different time than it is today, and take a look at all the contraband that is found today that shouldn't be there, including stuff from the outside, such as drugs, that should probably be found by things such as drug sniffing canines.
If you want to call me a "BS"er, that's fine.....I probably would do the same if it wasn't for a lot of the things I saw when I worked there.
05-11-2011, 03:16 PM
Well there's always
and NO I don't have any!!
Adam Helmer
05-11-2011, 03:29 PM
In 2011, many folks here have "Fanny Packs" and few carry CCW arms. I live in a college town and I can tell you fanny packs are common and CCW arms are VERY FEW. Perhaps in another town a fanny pack would raise questions, but here there are 4,000 students and 2,000 "Locals." My "cover" has never been blown, but then again it may boil down to "Terrain and Situation!" We are ok here, but your results may vary. Eh, wot?
man did this thread go down hill lol! you make a good point adam in that what is common dress one place may be odd else where. i have a neighbor who walks his dog constantly and if it is too warm for a coat on he wears a vest all summer! so i asked him the one day and he told me its easier to carry full size. just one of those things so out of the ordinary (95 and humid w/ a vest on) that it almost had to be.
05-12-2011, 06:32 PM
Fanny pack ok in warm weather and want to carry a 1911, which is rare. Hot weather the little Ruger LCP works fine.
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