View Full Version : Lake fly fishing

05-22-2011, 07:23 PM
Okay, I've been reading some articles on fly fishing on a lake or pond, mainly in Arizona. I've never fished on a lake or pond though. I know a little on how to read a river or stream but not still water. Also, trout, bass, bluegill, sunfish, etc all have different habits and hiding places. What do I look for on still water for good places to cast for different types of fish? Rocks, logs, holes, overhangs, etc? Thanks in advance

05-22-2011, 08:47 PM
Lakes can be harder to read than streams. Maybe just different.
The first things I'd look for is a stream running into the lake. That may form a delta, or colder water running into the lake.
Probably the second thing I'd look for is a point.
One thing to think about in a lake is depth, i.e. , how deep are the fish you want holding? Since there are temperature variations in a lake, the fish will seek the temperature they are comfortable in. Usually, deeper means colder.
There are exceptions to that. A stream may put colder or warmer water into the lake at the stream mouth, and wind can pile up warmer surface water on the downwind side of the lake.
Obvious structure like logs, holes, etc is always worth checking out.