06-07-2011, 11:51 AM
So I came home from work, the dogs where tearing up out back. I grabbed the old model 92 and went to investigate. I thought I was going to have to shoot my own dogs to save this newborn (still covered at the time in afterbirth). Then they chased the momma off into a wooded patch. The baby just lay there hurt. I picked it up carried it in the house, took a towel and dried it off (removed fireants in the process) and put it in our garden tube where it just lay. That is until my wife left the room to head to town to buy goats milk and bottles. The little bugger hopped up, jumped out of the tube and followed her out of the room. We decided to try to reunite the baby with it's momma (if momma would take it back) and after several attempts (it kept following us back to the house), and having to fire two warning shots at my own dogs who were determined to chase the baby down. Baby was herded by my brother back into the wooded patch where the dogs had chased the momma, and a check on the patch awhile later showed tracks from both baby and momma.
The second picture the baby is actually on my porch staring at the patch of woods where its momma is. You can almost see the bloody nose the dogs gave it while attacking it.
The second picture the baby is actually on my porch staring at the patch of woods where its momma is. You can almost see the bloody nose the dogs gave it while attacking it.