View Full Version : I found an armorer!

Adam Helmer
06-10-2011, 03:43 PM
Several years ago I bought a M1903 Springfield Mark I Rifle that is "long in the tooth." The rifle fires, but stretches cases. Last year I located a new S.A. 11-42 4-groove barrel for my M1903. I had a few folks in mind to do the rebarreling, but had not selected an armorer because they take forever to do a job.

Today, I had a visit from a neighbor. As we chatted on the front porch, I told Tony about the Mark I. He said, "In about a week, I will get my new barrel for a rifle and when I rebarrel my rifle, I will do your Mark I." OK, such a deal. I will increase my church pledge and dig the Mark I out of the back of the big vault. I will also regrease the vault arms for an encore.


Gil Martin
06-10-2011, 07:46 PM
Let us know how it turns out. All the best...

Adam Helmer
06-15-2011, 06:17 PM

At 0830 today I dropped the M1903 "Long Tooth" BS rifle off at my neighbor's with a NEW SA Barrel. At 1530 TODAY Tony came by with the rebarreled M1903. We went to the hayfield range and at 100 yards with NC Ball, the rifle printed LEFT 2 inches.

I made a slight RIGHT correction and the "C" (higher front sight) was +2.5 inches at 100 yards with the Battle sight! Oh, What a Country? I went into my heap and found a Milled M1903 trigger guard and a milled Upper Band for Tony's 03-A3. We will shoot against each other at the July 10th club shoot. That is ok. When I need another rebarrel job, I know who to ask and it is not a "Year or MORE" by lesser skilled armorers!

Tony is a retired federal agent and a Certified Armored. I am pleased he is my neighbor and shoots here on my farm ranges.
