View Full Version : Anyone breaking in any new shotguns this fall?

Mr. 16 gauge
06-21-2011, 11:29 AM
Just curious as to whether or not anyone plans on taking some new (or used) shooting iron into the uplands/marsh this fall.....I don't have anything 'new', but I'm looking forward to taking my Remington SPR310 out for some pheasant hunting with the new Lab this fall. I didn't get much of a chance to use it last fall, although I did manage to drop a mallard with it.
Took it (and a couple of other shotguns) out this past weekend....shot very crappy initially, but got a bit better towards the end. WATCH OUT!!! Bird season will be here before you know it...................:D

Adam Helmer
06-21-2011, 03:46 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

You post a great question. I did acquire a nice Winchester Model 25 pump 12 gauge two years ago. It was apparently a transition from the Model 12 to the Model 1200. I was too busy to take this old pump gun afield last year. I will take it afield this Fall. Thanks again for the reflective thinking about Autumn treks. My gun dog is Lori, she is half Yellow Lab and half Shepherd and 50 pounds of total enthusiasm. Lori keeps me young.


06-22-2011, 10:51 AM
The Win. Model 25 was made in the late 40s and early 50s as I recall. It basically was a cheaper version of the Model as it was a non take down. Winchester just went from the 12 to the 1200, bean counters had taken over.

Adam Helmer
06-22-2011, 12:51 PM

Ya sure know your Winchester shotguns. My Model 25 is in Excellent condition. It has a milled receiver, "tootsie roll" forend and looks early 1950ish.


06-25-2011, 08:54 AM
They made 87,937 between 49-54 in 12 ga. only. See a fewnow and then and ussually at a very reasonable price. To bad they didn't make them in 16 as I would be looking for one. Oh well, really do have enough 16s I guess.

06-25-2011, 08:57 AM
Oh yes, forgot so far can not find a serial no. listing for years of manufacturing. Will keep looking, have a big Win. book someplace, but don't remember if it has years of manufacture by serial number. If I come accross it will let you know.

Mr. 16 gauge
06-25-2011, 05:16 PM
Oh well, really do have enough 16s I guess.

I'm sorry, but that statement is erroneous!!!!:D:):);)

06-26-2011, 05:00 PM
Have to take roll call again, more then 15 but less than 20 I think.

06-26-2011, 09:02 PM
Actually one 16 gauge is more than enough...LOL:D:p

07-08-2011, 08:20 AM
Adam, found the book I was looking for on serial numbers and date of manufacture. Guess what, there isn't any Data on Win. Model 25s. This book is a great book on Winchesters: Winchesters An American Legend by R.L. Wilson. Don't know why the 25's datat was unavailable.

07-08-2011, 08:56 AM
M-25s were made for 6 years(49-54) with pretty closr to an equal amount made each year except for the last(fewest)...Made approx 88,000 of them. Can't remember how they were serialized ie their own serials or serialized in M-12 serialized but have a recollection their own serial numbers. Not a very popular gun as it was a M-12 but it wasn't trying to compete pricewise to the 870 ...didn't work. some internal parts interchange w/M-12s IIRC. I had one or 2 but found they were not as smooth as the M-12 and also didn't work well with plastic shells when they came on the scene....neither did the Win M-50 auto and I liked them and shot 'em quite a bit. ... M-25 and M-12 featherweights were losers from the beginning in the marketing wars

08-12-2011, 10:07 AM
Yep, Got an old / new 391 Sporting Gold optima in 12 ga I have come to like a lot. It actually is as easy as my 20ga 391s to shoot and I think I am going to carry it to the dove fields this year. The grey rockets will get a surprise after my shooting a 20 ga for about 20 years.