View Full Version : Revolvers are Forever Liked.
Adam Helmer
06-30-2011, 05:09 PM
Yes, Revolvers are 19th Century technology, but several of my CCW students told me they like revolvers very much, especially .22 caliber revolvers. As an instructor of Newbees, I prefer revolvers for inital training. I use both DA S&W .22 revolvers and a Ruger Mark I and Mark II .22 semi-auto pistols. Many new trainees forget a semi-auto pistol is "ready to fire" after the first shot. They let the pistol droop down until it usually points to their leg or foot! I tell them endlessly "Never let any handgun drop below 45 Degrees below the line of sight!" Of course they forget and need constant reminding.
Most of my CCW class graduates opt for a DA revolver as their House/Carry gun. The most popular are OLD S&W M10 and M15 revolvers. The newer S&W revolvers are equipped with the "lockout gizmo" that is not popular. The results of my CCW classes has been that ALL old S&W 2-inch M10 and M15 revolvers "fly" off the shelf the day they hit the local gunshop. I do have a bid in for a 2-inch M15 for my Priest.
07-01-2011, 11:28 AM
i have my grandfathers model 10 blue is great on them old guns
07-01-2011, 02:41 PM
I have old sw 18-2 which was my first real handgun. Many folks have shot this and the first timers usually go back to it. I stay away from a SA auto for beginners. There isn't any room for error. Most of carry I do is with a sw 60 with a 2" barrel. This is my go to gun although I do carry auto's some (a cz 75 9mm) .
I have changed my way of thinking for a house gun. Way I got it figured, God forbid you have to shoot someone, the first thing the cops will take is the weapon you shot the perp with. Kinda going to start looking at some cheap reliabe firearms (like the Ruger sa/da auto's). You know after you shoot someone with it you will never get it back.
07-01-2011, 03:01 PM
buckhunter, Always remember that when you shoot someone, no matter how badly they had it coming, the law is going to make your life a living hell for at least a year. But always remember also that it is much better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
Basically, only shoot if your life or someone elses life is being threatened with death.
Mr. 16 gauge
07-01-2011, 04:06 PM
Don't have a lot of revolvers........would like to have a few more, esp. in .22 rimfire, but alas! not enough $$$ to go around for everything I would like.:(
I have a S&W M29, Ruger Vaquero, Colt Trooper MkIII and a Colt Detective special (later model, I am assuming from the 70's). I really like that Detective special......based on the older police positive, it holds 6 rounds instead of the usual 5 and will handle +P ammo.
If your looking at older revolvers, don't overlook these (kinda keepin' my eye out for a nickle plated one).
One regret I do have is not getting one of the K frame S& Uncle carried one (M19) while a sheriff's deputy and I always liked the stainless steel (M66) version. When my Uncle became sheriff, he succumbed to the "semi auto is better' mentality and started carrying a Browning Hi-power, but last I saw he still had that M19 in his possession. :)
07-01-2011, 04:15 PM
As much as I love all my revolvers (and I do), I like all my autoloaders equally as much. Heck I like 'em both and wouldn't want to part with either.
Adam Helmer
07-01-2011, 06:23 PM
I agree with what you said. Fortunately, PA is the 29th state to pass the Castle Doctrine to lessen the hurt for justifible use of deadly force by honest citizens in their home, car or any place they have a legal right to be.
Being a Bad Guy just got LESS safe in PA. Last Fall our then Governor Rendell Vetoed the Castile Doctrine. Our current Governor Corbitt signed the Castile Doctrine and we are better for it.
Adam Helmer
07-01-2011, 06:37 PM
I have both revolvers and semi-auto pistols like you do. I will always take a revolver over a semi-auto in gravest extreme. I know it does not take more than 6 rounds to kill a Bad Guy or two BGs. A revolver is old technology, but it does not care if the prior round in the cylinder did not fire. A revolver does not depend on flawless magazines or a defective round in the magazine that refuses to chamber when it hits the fan!
Revolvers lasted so long because they were nearly "soldier proof." Semi-auto pistols are fine, but as a range officer for over 100 agents for 10 years, I saw far more problems with the Glock M17 or M19 than I ever saw with the S&W M10 2 and 4-inch guns that were our duty guns before we transitioned to the Glocks.
All the "Ready Action Drills", "Rap, Slap and Fire", and all the corrective actions for failure to feed, function and fire we were mandated to teach semi-auto pistol carriers left me cold. Give me a revolver in gravest extreme. I carried both in the projects. I like the M1911 Colt and it has failed me a time or two in 26 years, but it is a GREAT Zap when laid along side the head of a Bad Guy.
07-02-2011, 06:52 PM
Excellent point Adam.
07-03-2011, 09:16 AM
Well I'm a 45 auto type.. Never had one fail me..But I also carry a nice ol M-19 or a Single action 41 mag (for bear country on the 41) and like them very much
07-03-2011, 12:33 PM
Adam Helmer, The Castle Doctrine laws are a great saver for people that feel they have nowhere to turn. If you are cornered by a bunch of "bad" folks they can obviously kill you. It does take some of the required proof away that you have to show after you decide to save your own life. A crowd doesn't have to be armed with guns and knives in order to kill you. Once you are off yur feet you have been had. Being able to take some with you may be able to change their minds. At least, it is worth trying.
07-03-2011, 12:39 PM
Incidently, When I am out and about, I usually have a S&W Model 60, 3" w/ adjustable sights so I can make it hit where I am looking. It is very accurate with either 38 Spec or 357 Mags. It is also a gentle gun, even with full house 357s. If I feel I am going to war, I have a 1911 that never fails to feed or eject.
An FBI instructor told me the gunfight is usually won with the first shot that hits.
Adam Helmer
07-03-2011, 01:07 PM
Welcome to the Forum; I see this is only your 2nd post. Feel free to chime in and share in our campfire chats.
Again, welcome to the Forum.
Adam Helmer
07-03-2011, 01:12 PM
The only two or three times my M1911 failed me in 35 years was due to defective magazines. I tossed both and went back to carrying the Old Colt. Fortunately all three times the chambered round was all I needed.
I like my .41 SA Ruger for woods carry in deer and bear season here.
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