View Full Version : semiautos & capacity for WY/MT?

Mr. 16 gauge
07-20-2011, 11:20 AM
My friend and I drew antelope tags for (Northeast) Wyoming, and we are staying just across the border in MT. Ours is a three day hunt, but if we tag out early, we would like to do a few other outdoor related things.
From what I can read on the F&G websites, coyotes are considered predators and no additional license is required. Would love to throw the predator calls and decoy in the truck as well, and maybe hit some state or BLM land for a crack at a yote or two.
Would like to take my AR15 along, but I can't find anything on either F&G website as to legality & number of rounds that are allowed for said rifle.

Anyone have the answer?

BTW: To the Montana F&G folks....you website is a NIGHTMARE to navagate through!:(

07-20-2011, 02:13 PM
Mr 16..I am pretty certain in Wy there is no limit on capacity on predator rifles I use a Bushmaster Varminter with 5 and 20 round mags.. BTW Wy game laws books are also terrible to get info on.. Plenty antelope up that way..yotes too in some places.. Luck to you on antelope. I did not draw even one tag this year

07-20-2011, 03:02 PM
Mr 16-Wy & Mt are the real American. No limit. If you can carry it it is legal.

07-21-2011, 10:22 AM
skeet, You aren't the only one that didn't draw. My son, son-in-law, grandson and I drew ZIP on antelope, deer and elk. I bought a left over cow permit to put some elk meat in the freezer.

07-21-2011, 11:56 AM
Yep..reduced price cow /calf tag for me too.

Mr. 16 gauge
07-21-2011, 02:35 PM
Thanks for the replies.....hopefully we will get a chance to bust a yote or two; I've been on hunting trips before where I've tagged out early and then just got to sit around and watch the scenery.......not much fun; would really like to take advantage of all the country has to offer.

Sorry to hear that you fellows didn't get your tags.....I read recently that Montana (?) did away with it's guaranteed license system for outfitters and instead put all the tags in the general population, with a certain percentage going to outfitters? (or some such thing:confused:)

Do you think this had something to do with not drawing tags for yourselves?

07-21-2011, 02:48 PM
Well I'm in Wyoming. Haven't drawn a bull tag (in my area for hunting) and the chances are getting slimmer..mainly because of the wolves. Reduced the elk herds really badly. Antelope is mainly because of my area to hunt. There are some open areas in the state. Personally I do not agree with the outfitters getting a guaranteed number of tags. But they make it hard for nonresidents to hunt without an outfitter..so the outfitters get the business anyway. Montana is getting pretty bad on elk too. An awful lot of antelope north and east of Billings Not hard to get a tag ..or it wasn't. I have been on both sides of the outfitter issue. Wish you luck on the lopes ..Where are you going to be hunting?? Where are you staying in Mt?? What kind of AR are you taking? What caliber for lopes? Remember the wind...even for lopes..It blows an awful lot up that way. If you can get some shooting in on a windy day..it will make you a believer in wind drift.. It did me for certain. I use a 257 AI or the 257 Weatherby for antelope.. BTW if ya happen to see a big black coyote..SSS Nah..maybe ya better not!!

Mr. 16 gauge
07-21-2011, 04:09 PM
Wish you luck on the lopes ..Where are you going to be hunting??

Northeast corner of the state; Area #2 (Crook County).

Where are you staying in Mt??


What kind of AR are you taking?

Bushmaster.....not sure of the model, but it's a full stock, post ban.

What caliber for lopes?

Just a plain, old, garden variety .30-06 (Interarms Mark X Viscount) with a 150 grain handload. My friend is all excited...it's his first trip out west. He bought a new .300 Win. magnum and is also taking his .243 as well.

Remember the wind...even for lopes..It blows an awful lot up that way. If you can get some shooting in on a windy day..it will make you a believer in wind drift..

Learned about wind drift while duck hunting....lead a mallard by 3 feet in front on a 45 yard shot and watched the pattern hit 3 feet BEHIND the duck!:eek: That was a real eye opener. Been pouring over the wind drift charts in my manual (Sierra) as well as bullet drop; chronyed the load a few weeks ago, so I think I should be good to go............

07-21-2011, 07:30 PM
Wow..haven't been in Alzada since 1980. Sister used to teach school a little west and north of there. One room schoolhouse stuff. Another galaxy far far away. Well you can do a lot worse than a 30-06. One of my favorites There are some lighter bullet loads good for yotes too. or 150s at long range. I am also partial to the 300 Win Mag. A friend just offered me a 30-06 Mark X Mauser the other day. I may just buy it. That duck load sounds an awful lot like steel. It REALLY bends in the wind. I shot a duck in a 70 mile an hour wind(seriously) at about 30 yds and though shot dead..he landed over 100 yds away. Pure luck on my part..but he was going with the wind. My friend missed a beautiful drake sprig a few minutes later heading into the wind at no more than 20 yds...andhe is probably the best shotgun shooter I have ever been in the field with.. I hope your pard has a great time hunting out here. Love to see enthusiastic people.