View Full Version : I am SO angry right now.......

Mr. 16 gauge
07-31-2011, 02:59 PM
What is it about outboard motor repair shops? I have spent a small fortune over the course of the last few years on outboards that don't run to get them fixed, only to have them not run.

First is a 1990's (early) Sears gamefisher (made by Chrysler).....won't start, told it has 'carberator problems'....payed a HUGE sum to get it fixed, starts in shop, doesn't in my backyard.

....so, figure I'll sell it (nobody wants it). Bought a BRAND NEW Johnson 15 hp outboard in 2007; used it less than a half dozen times. Doesn't start, and the tilt wont work. Took it in for repairs last fall, and it's been stored in my basement since. Put it on the damn boat toady (we leave on vacation next week), and THE DAMN THING WON'T RUN!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

It will start, run for a short while, then cut out...or cut out when I try and put it in gear.

I'm ready to deep six both these damn motors.......anybody know someone who buys used, unworking outboards (other than a junk dealer).

What a bunch of crap.....guess I'm taking my golf clubs on vacation instead of my fishing poles....and I HATE golf!!!:mad:

07-31-2011, 03:35 PM
Ah the eternal outboard. To be honest I have had a bunch of 'em and never really had much trouble with them. BUT the big problem now is this infernal gasoline we have. Goes bad in a short time and leaves too many deposits. Just a suggestion Mr 16.. Get some stuff called seafoam and follow the directions. Get some in your gas..run the motor for a while..make sure it has the seafoam in the carb and let it sit overnight. You may be lucky enough that it will clean the carb. Been using outboards since the 1960s..take this to heart..with a small outboard...when you get to the place where you will be leaving the water. ...unhook the fuel..let the motor run till it starts to miss then pull the choke out..let it run till it quits. That is what I did with all outdoards even up to 150s. My daughter just started my boat in Md after sitting for over 2 yrs..new tank of gas and a pint of seafoam in the tank.. That ol 90 just started right up. I hate outboards that won't work..those sears motors suck..in my opinion. I have an Evinrude made in 78 that runs great... Always run ALL the gas out of 'em..ALL of it. Luck to ya my friend

08-01-2011, 10:19 AM
Does Yahama, Honda and Suzuki sound familary. Never a problem.

08-01-2011, 01:04 PM
It sounds like you have a fuel problem. If you are using gas that has ethanol in it, you need to use that fuel within 2-4 weeks if used in a vented tank, the reason is ethanol attracts water. Even if you use Stabil in the fuel with ethanol, it can still attract water, if you are one of the lucky ones to buy fuel without ethanol, you can use Stabil in the fuel and be ok. Pull the float bowl off the motor (Newer ones are injected) and get a can of carburator cleaner and insert tube of carb cleaner into main jet an inch or so (it has a hole) as this part sits at the very bottom and is immersed in fuel at all times with float bowl installed. After that, take and fill your float bowl with carb cleaner about 3/4 of the way and reinstall bowl onto carb. Start motor and let idle for a few seconds, then throttle it a few times and than shutoff.

If main jet and idle air passages weren't solidly crystalized (white specs on aluminum) than you should be go to go. One other thing, if you are using gas with ethanol, it is very important not to let it sit over 4 weeks as the ethanol will start to eat away at the fuel pump diaphragms which are made out of thin synthetic rubber.

When you store or put away your outboards for the season, I have used the following,
1 oz. of Marine Stabil per 6 gallons
1 oz. of Mercury Quickleen per 6 gallons
1-2 oz. of Sea Foam per 6 gallons

As you get towards the bottom of the above formula, I also foam (Engine fogging oil) the engine by pulling the air filter off a squirting directly into carb with engine at fast idle and than when engine shuts off, (it will smoke alot) I pull and drain all fuel lines. After that the engine is lubed (fogging oil) and ready for fresh gas next year.

08-05-2011, 02:29 AM
This ethanol stuff is a PITA. I am dealing with it for my zero turn mower and 2 chainsaws that I bought this year. Prior to this, I haven't really had to own any small engine equipment. Can't wait to have to store these things for the winter. The manuals should come with winterizing instructions and/or instructions on how to deal with gas with ethanol in it.

08-05-2011, 06:42 PM
Well Mr 16, whats the latest with your marine engines?

Mr. 16 gauge
08-05-2011, 11:22 PM
I intend to try and put up the Gamefisher 'as is".....hopefully someone will want it for parts or as a project engine or some such thing.....maybe I can at least recupe some of the money I've put into the thing.....

As for the Johnson: I haven't had a chance to work on it at all, so that will have to wait until after vacation. I'll take my little boat & motor with me on vacation (13 ft w/ a 9.9 Evenrude)......not what I wanted to take, but at least I won't be fishing from shore.

If and when I can get this damn Johnson running, I'll probably put it and my 16ft John boat up for sale......used it maybe twice in the last 5 years.:mad:

08-06-2011, 07:04 AM
It is too bad that you live so far from Howard City. There is a good outboard mechanic over here. Works full time at a boat sales and works at home on the side. I had hime go over the 25hp evenrude on my project pontoon and it runs great. He rebuilt the lower unit on my 9.9 Merc a couple of years ago.

I told him I had picked up a steel tank to replace the old plastic one that came with the toon. He told me to pick up a new plastic one. He thinks that the steel ones condense h2o into the gas mixture and the ethenol makes it go into the carb rather than just lay seperated in the bottom of the tank.

Do not know if that is the truth but that is his idea. Says he continually works on carbs at his day time job.

Mr. 16 gauge
08-24-2011, 09:10 AM
Just an update:

We went on vacation and took my other boat/motor. It was working fine prior to the trip. First time I took it out, it started to stall and I had to play with the choke to try and keep it working. Got to the far end of the lake, and couldn't get it restarted!:mad: Glad I had the trolling motor, but it took a while to get back (did I mention the name of the lake? It was "Long lake"....and danged if it wasn't!)
Took the outboard in today; Lady behind the counter pretty much said the same thing that was said here re: the ethanol. I guess my question is: can you get gas w/o ethanol in it, or is this another govt. sponsored conspiracy? Would it do any good to use a higher Octane (premium) fuel, or won't that make a difference (my one outboard manual says NOT to use premium fuel....doesn't say a damn thing about ethanol:mad:)
Anyway, hope to get 'em fixed and tried out prior to duck season....bought a little Evinrude "Mate" 1.5 hp for the boat I built. I plan on using Hyde&Powells recommended mix and see if that helps matters.
Thanks to all for your input...............

08-24-2011, 09:47 AM
Mr 16...I don't know about Michigan but back in Md many marinas have ethanol free gasoline..or did . There were some gas stations that also had no ethanol..but it was a very marine based culture there. Even the gas with no alcohol sucks these days. H&P seems to have a good mix on his gas. Go with it. I just got 3 cans of Sea Foam at a yard sale last week for 25 cents a can...cheap by any standards. Taking it back east for my boat there.. Keeping one can here.. I even got 2- 5 lb ABC fire extinguishers at the same yard sale for a buck apiece....charged too. Great for boats... The layout boat looks neat.. Be great in protected waters for certain.. I wouldn't use it on big water...but I wouldn't use any layout on big water..I'm chickin when it comes to really cold water. Heck that's even in the summer here.

08-25-2011, 12:01 PM
Here is a link to a site that lists fuel stations that sell regular gas with out the ethanol. The link opens a site that lists stations that sell non-ethanol regular gas, click the abbreviation for your state to find out where they are located. http://pure-gas.org/index.jsp

Mr. 16 gauge
09-07-2011, 08:29 PM
Well, I just picked up the 9.9 hp from the repair shop.....the owner asked me "when did you submerge the motor?":confused: I told him I NEVER submerged the motor.....as a matter of fact, I used it only one time this summer: when we went on vacation and it wouldn't run! He proceeded to show me a jar full of water with a little bit of gas in it; said that this was what he pulled out of the carburator, and that there was significant water in the cylinders as well.

Turns out some A-hole has placed water in my gas tanks!!!!:mad::mad::mad: God help the SOB if I ever find out who it was......even the maggots won't want his carcass when I get done with him! Used to keep the tanks in the boats (I live on a corner), but not any more.....keeping them locked up in the garage.

Dirty rotten bastards!:mad:

10-14-2011, 08:47 AM
Glad it didn't start and not just kick out, miles from help.

09-27-2012, 07:55 AM
Startron Enzyme Fuel treatment....I bought it at my local stihl saw store...one bottle cost about $9 treats 48 gal of gasoline..(if that is what they call it)..anyhow, after many $ and at a loss on these motors like chainsaws,weedeaters, generators..anything I ended up buying 2 new stihl saws. The first one quit running after only 1/2 tank gas..took to shop..now, I had used stabil in gas..not that great..still problems with everything..not start..so the Stihl people having too many repairs came up with the Startron Enzyme Fuel treatment mentioned above..I add 1/2 oz to my 5 gal can of (garbage that cost $4) and it HAS solved my problems with everything..It says your gasoline now can sit in an ENCLOSED container and still be ok after a yr... another thing you need do with all small motors that don't get used that often such as weedeater..chainsaw..when park them, keep the tank full to the top..this leaves no room for condensation to form in the tank..I use to drain tank, run till empty..bad move now days..now, when i first tried this stuff, I put in my weedeater that would never run at full speed but I knew the instant it got to burning..the rpm reved up to where suppose to be..Thank you stihl people. ..now no need to get blisters from the pull ropes trying to start these critters..oh and when I was talking to a state rep on this garbage they selling us at $4..messing up all the equipment..his reply was simply, just toss it out and buy a new one if it wont start..HA...so ok, that is my good deed for the day..small engine gas problems solved after 2 yrs and lots of bucks...my daughter and I just spent the whole day cutting firewood with 2 stihl saws and log splitter and everything started on first pull of rope...even after sitting for a wk...

09-27-2012, 08:46 AM
Honestly this sort of problem is why I gave up on my boat projects earlier this year. I have two motors, both have been repaired multiple times, both won't run. I have managed to get my money back from the shop, and I am done (in one case they took parts back which was fine with me since it didn't work). Eventually I will buy some new paddles for the jon boat, and the trihull project boat I will just find somebody to haul off. I have better and more important things to spend my money on....


09-27-2012, 12:33 PM
After living here in Wyoming for these last years. I have absolutely no problems with my small engines. I keep the tanks full on them over the winter or summer whichever they are for. I think the big problem is the "new" gas has all this alcohol in it..very bad on picking up water..BUT we have very low humidity. If it gets to 30-40% it is raining....and we really don't know what rain is. 2inches so far this year..including last winters snow. It is possible to find gasoline without the alcohol added. Especially around boating areas But I can even find it here locally. I also did find it in Md. And that is what I used in my boats. Gonna try some of that stuff you posted on though skeeter..I hate this gas with alcohol added. In fact I even have a couple of bottles of the lead additives that used to be sold for older cars with the uncoated?? valves or whatever..they needed tetraethyl lead. Stabil has always been a bit of a problem for me

10-12-2012, 01:13 AM
Yeah, I think everybody missed the post where the OP said somebody put water in his tanks. Don't know about you guys, but I have yet to come across an outboard that would run on water. If any of you have one, I will pay handsomely for it. lol

With that said, stored the zero turn and chainsaws completely filled with gasoline over the winter, with Sta-Bil's winter recommended solution ratio, and had no problems starting any of them this spring/summer. Added a trimmer to my group of small engines. Owning a yard makes life so much fun (NOT).

Anybody hear of a competitor to Sta-Bil that is supposedly better than Sta-Bil?

10-12-2012, 06:20 AM
There you are Fabs..LTNS..Yep I've heard of a competitor but don't know the name right this minute. I stopped at a local grocery yesterday evening and niticed on the electronic billboard that they have no ethanol in their gas.. Didin't realize it..as I mostly buy diesel there.. in fact never bought gasoline there.. I will now. Ya know ya love that yard work..It was such a dry year this summer I actually made a decision to NOT irrigate the lawn. Been puttin water on it in the last couple of weeks..and darn if it isn't turning green. Well...some is. No farmers are using that water now.. My irrigated fields look good though.

10-12-2012, 06:29 AM
Forgot to mention.. I got 3 cans of Sea Foam at a farm auction..and it is some good stuff. I put a small amount in the fuel tank of all the small engines in the spring. Don't know if it helps but I had a mantis type small tiller I got at a farm auction..no start...put some in..let it sit for a week. filled her up with gas..after about 6 pulls..runs good now. Musta cleaned the gunk out of the carb...

10-15-2012, 01:37 AM
There you are Fabs..LTNS..Yep I've heard of a competitor but don't know the name right this minute. I stopped at a local grocery yesterday evening and niticed on the electronic billboard that they have no ethanol in their gas.. Didin't realize it..as I mostly buy diesel there.. in fact never bought gasoline there.. I will now. Ya know ya love that yard work..It was such a dry year this summer I actually made a decision to NOT irrigate the lawn. Been puttin water on it in the last couple of weeks..and darn if it isn't turning green. Well...some is. No farmers are using that water now.. My irrigated fields look good though.

Yep, been busy with a bunch of stuff since buying this house 18 months ago. Stuff life yardwork, new furance, new AC, new water heater, cutting wood for the wood burning furance, etc. has cut into all my free time. Not to mention 2 kids with a third coming next month. Things are crazy busy around the Fabs household. lol

Great to actually be back here posting a little. Might even get to hunt a little this year.