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Dan Morris
08-21-2011, 05:11 PM
Gonna hit dove on sunday.........hope to smell some powder....been a long year. Will try the euraisian mixed with mourning this year!

08-21-2011, 06:11 PM
dove hunting is fantastic!

I'll be hitting ND for birds in Oct and we might target em too

Dan Morris
08-21-2011, 06:24 PM
Good luck......where I grew up, dove huntin was as big a deal as 4th of July!..LOL..Usta hunt with a bunch of lawyers n judges.......man, ya wouldn't belive the cases that were settle while breastin birds!

09-08-2011, 11:52 AM
Got to go hunting on Saturday with a buddy and the hunting was phenomenal. We were hunting over a sunflower crop and the doves were coming in like crazy. I was sitting right next to my buddy and his son, so it was tough to get clean shots on birds, but when I did I was doing pretty good. By 3:00 I was done shooting my 15 bird limit and we were actually at a slower part of the field. It was a really good time.

Towards the end of my limit, my buddy took his dog behind our spot and went to look for a bird. I dropped a bird right in front of us and walked out to pick it up. While I was out there, I dropped another 4 birds with 4 shells and had them laying all over the place. My buddy's son was telling his dad "He is He!! on doves". It was a good time.

As far as hunting with lawyers and judges, I would have to find a new place to hunt. LOL

Dan Morris
09-08-2011, 08:07 PM
As usual, it was in the 50's the nite before. Saw a total of 3 birds with 30mph winds.
We came home after a couple of hours.Even euros wre not visible.

09-08-2011, 10:15 PM
Dan Morris, When I lived in Canon City, we would give the early duck seasons heck in the San Luis Valley. It was really good around Saguache and Alamosa. It is a long one day drive but for you leave on Friday pm and return Sunday pm. I don't kow how the natural ponds are this year but we hunted the artesian water at Alamosa, Monte Vista. and south of Saguache. It was a ball hunting early teal on Saguache Creek. Stand in the creek and shoot in self defense when they came screaming around the bend in the creek. I don't know know if it is all signed now as that was 35 years ago.