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View Full Version : Anyone want to join me in Boston for some waterfowling this December?

08-31-2011, 04:12 PM
My two hunting partners have had to back out so I'm looking for some fellow waterfowlers that want to join me in Boston for Brant, Geese, puddle ducks/divers and the sea ducks. Limits in MA are very generous and offers some excellent gunning. Professional Guide Capt Adam Smith gives you ocean hunting in the mornings and tidal flats in the afternoon. All shells are included as is lunch. He has a deal with the local Marriot for suites at $89 per night (3 beds) breakfast at 3:30am. That is $89 per night, not per person! Trophy birds are tagged, frozen and shipped to your home. A visit to the local Lobster wholesaler can be arranged. Cost is $350 per day (3 days @ $1,050) with a $200 deposit per hunter down with another $400 30 days out. Balance due upon arrival in Boston. Anyone one interested can call me or send an email and I'll give you full details. Birds normally encountered are: Atlantic Brant, Canada Goose, Atlantic Black Duck, Mallard, Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Greater Scaup, Common Eider, Old Squaw and 3 species of Scoter. Other species too. Fair number of Eider are banded each year. Email me for details. gg