View Full Version : Cry Wolf

09-12-2011, 02:26 PM
All hunters should view this while the producer gives free access. This film exposes the lies and hidden agenda by US Gov't agency's and anti-hunting groups (no game left...no hunting!) supporting the Wolf invasion into the western States. This will get your blood boiling.

09-15-2011, 04:10 PM
As time goes by and we get older, seeing more and more out of Washington, you wonder how it is that anyone, any where, agrees to buy into a word of what Washington has to sell. Really, the entire gut pile that is DC is nothing but a stinking mess. Hold your lantern on high and go through DC looking for an honest man.

That movie/story reminds me so much of the Indians and Washington.

09-17-2011, 08:37 AM

Thanks for this post. Eye opening.


09-19-2011, 04:09 PM
"Really, the entire gut pile that is DC is nothing but a stinking mess."

Really, you are way too kind and gentle on our illustrious leaders who live in the "Swamp". Dug heap is a more honest appraisal in my book. it's wonder that WE THE PEOPLE have not decorated DC's lamp posts and trees with those traitors to our country. :mad: Been :mad: as hell for a long time now.
I consider Democrat to just be a euphemism for communist. Too bad Rush and the rest haven't the guts to call a spade a spade.
Paul B.

09-20-2011, 01:32 PM
Thanks for the link, what a crock DC and them lying bastards anti groups are.

09-20-2011, 04:39 PM
Heck guys..we here in Wyoming live that movie. The good ol boys are doing their own thing now days

09-21-2011, 05:39 AM
So skeet,I assume the well armed lamb is contesting the DC decision.

09-21-2011, 09:06 AM
I is innocent..I swear I is. Honest Injun. An speakin of Injuns we got a buncha indians livin down the road from us in a real Teepee. The wabbits an pheasants are disappearing

09-22-2011, 05:56 PM
grayghost, I can't get the film to run. It self pauses about every half second and then goes on. Too distracting.

09-22-2011, 10:57 PM
Larry..Even with high speed it does that.. Just click on the film..start it and then shut it off. Leave the page on though and the whole thing will load after a while..It is a bandwidth hog for ceertain.

09-24-2011, 04:42 PM
skeet, Thanks for the lesson - it worked. I started it up and then wnet to put the two beads on a shotgun. Came back and the video was ready to go. I understand and believe what the video said. Some will find exception to this but the local plan is a variation of SSS. It is Shoot, Leave and Shutup. The leave means don't even go near the dead prey; just leave the area.

09-24-2011, 05:37 PM
Larry you got it right. Already being done by some of the brave..not many wolves have collars or trackers anymore. The worst part is the agreement they just made with Salazar is essentially the same plan that was approved by the USFWS and Wyoming all those years ago....that they later pulled back from because of political pressure from outsiders who don't even live here. There will be a lot of people on the anti side of this issue..but the facts are..we'll never get rid of wolves again by the use of hunting pressure..but...we can cut 'em down..Without us cutting the numbers the elk and moose herds will never recover to the levels that we, the hunters and sportspeople in this country, PAID over and over and over to get them to. They even made us pay to turn the wolves loose..even though we KNEW we didn't want them. Something wrong with that picture..now Mexico is turning wolves loose just across the border. Sheesh!!

09-24-2011, 07:02 PM
Hunt them with a 22-250- when the bullet blows up on impact there will be nothing left to try to find out who did the shooting.

09-25-2011, 01:15 PM
skeet, I was stationed at the BLM office in Canon City, CO for about 6 years in the late 60s, early 70s. The big story there was the killing of the last lobo wolf, "Old Three Toes" by a trapper on Black Mountain. Of course that happened much earlier but it was still a local story. The area is still wolf free for now.
ANother interesting thing we should do is ask our Game and Fish Dept in each state what they spent the Pittman-Robinson funds on in the last budget year. Those funds are not to be spent on administrative items. It would be interesting in Wyoming to see if any of those funds made their way into the new office building addition in Cheyenne.

09-25-2011, 08:30 PM
Yep I bet some of that money gets used where it ain't kosher..course they ain't Jewish anyway!!LOL

09-26-2011, 09:19 AM
I'm not one for politcal correctness but here are certain terms I don't like to see. I prefer to call my North American Indian friends Native Americans. I was born and raised with members of the Ho Chunk Nation formily called Winnebagos and am very proud of my friends that are from that racial group.

09-26-2011, 10:18 AM
Sorry PoppleCop but I am not Politically correct. I am, as are you, a native American for that point. Family has been here since the 1670s. I also have indian ancestry from both the Delaware and Mohawk tribes(even if I have blonde hair). Sorry for your polical correctness. LOL even the indians around here call themselves indians. I worked with a couple of Lumpi back east..Don't know if it is a real tribe but that's what they called themselves..My father knew many..Great high steel workers...as he was.

Mr. 16 gauge
09-26-2011, 12:23 PM
As for the P.C. thing: I grew up playing cowboys and indians, not cowboys and native americans......and I'm too darn old to change!

As for the wolves: Michigan has proposed some stupid laws to protect wolves; one of which is to ban the shooting of coyotes during firearms deer season in the U.P. because occasionally a wolf would be killed after being mistaken for a coyote. There is no solution put in place for wolves that kill domestic livestock or pets (one family listened in horror as their pet dog was killed and eaten under their house), other than to replace said animal (and I'm sure that the govt. does a lot of foot dragging when it comes to ponying up on that one).....I wonder what the response is going to be from the animal rights individuals when a child or adult is killed. There have been instances where hunters have been stalked and their dogs killed. The ALFs (animal rights fanatics) claim that wolves only kill the sick and the weak, but we who spend time in the outdoors know the truth. Of course, they also claim that coyotes won't attack humans, but we've seen that not only will they attack humans, they will kill them as well.
To make matters worse, the idiots in our DNR have decided that since there are now wolves in the LP of Michigan, that we should close the taking of coyotes during the firearms deer season in the lower penninsula as well.....not during bow or muzzleloader season (apparently, if you hunt with a rifle you can't identify game:rolleyes:), but only firearms deer season.....what a crock!:mad:

09-26-2011, 01:45 PM
But the real issue is wolves. Hopefully the good ol boys will keep on killing 'em./ Seriously you cannot wipe wolves out by hunting them. They are too smart. Look at yotes..that'll give you a clue. The gummit had a wolf eradication plan going for an awful long time and there were still wolves here.. 3 toes notwithstanding. Trapping and poison did the worst to them If you do not control them from the start they will literally wipe out the deer in your region.. and the wildlife nuts will find a way..every and any way to keep you from killing them. Even the game wardens here kinda turn a blind eye to the found dead wolves..except a few who enjoy the notoriety of catching a "poacher" of wolves:rolleyes:

09-26-2011, 04:42 PM
We eliminated them in Wisconsin by hunting and trapping for bounty. So it can be done. By the way I don't have any problem with Native Americans being called Indians, but now a days gets confussing because of the influx of Asian Indians in to lot of areas. I am very proud to have known Cpl. Mithcell Red Cloud, U.S. Army who was posthumorusly the Medal Of Honor he was an Indian, Native American Ho Chunk. His mother lived in the same small town as I was born and raised in, local VFW and American Legion Posts are name in his honor.

09-26-2011, 08:07 PM
I had the pleasure of hunting with Bill Hoppe out of Gardiner last year. What he speaks in this video is nothing but the truth. He now has to run his operation North of Livingston on private land he must lease. My father is hunting Wyoming as we speak and he and my mother just took four days to tour Yellowstone. After talking to them last night, they were nothing but dissapointed with the game sightings...they did however get to see 4 different packs of wolves and witness one pack take down an antelope. They watched them wound then just play games with the creature for quite a while. I'm heading to Idaho in less than a month where I can shoot the bastards for less than $32 a tag. Hope I get to do my duty in helping the "eco-system". I'll display it's dead carcass with pride here on HC.