View Full Version : First time shooting a 9mm Luger.

Adam Helmer
10-07-2011, 08:00 PM
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to hand a young lad a 9mm Luger made in 1940 and coach him through a few magazines of Ball ammo on my backyard range. The fellow has a few Glocks in 9mm, 40 S&W, etc., but he never dealt with the toggle apparatus of the Luger. He shot the pistol well and appreciated the run through on a vintage handgun.

Many current day handgunners are reading about and handling the current generation of handguns. I find it rewarding to put older, vintage handguns into the hands of these young'uns and watch them handle the old classics. It seems they all like the "Oldies" and appreciate the chance to handle the "Old Stuff."


10-10-2011, 07:55 PM
Adam, haven't had the oppurtunity to shoot a Luger in some years, bought a couple when they were cheap. Should have kept them but didn't. I had trouble shooting them, too 1911 orientated, think I paid $22 for my first one through the NRA. Lugers may have been a litlle more, think I bought them from Hy Hunter through the mail of course. Looked at a Swiss Navy Luger just last Thursday, $2500 pistol.

Mr. 16 gauge
10-10-2011, 08:17 PM
Bought a 1920's commercial model several years back....always wanted a Luger, but couldn't afford one, and the prices were just continuing to escalate!:( The one I have is chambered for the .30 Luger....getting hard to find ammo for it, and when I do, it's more than $1/round!:eek: Still, it is a nice gun to shoot....points well, and it's toggle action is kinda neat. Still, I can see why this gun ended up going the way of the dinosaur (as far as military pistols go)...it's so well made and to such close tolerances! Does bring a few "Oohs" and "Ahhs" when I take it to the pistol range.;)