View Full Version : Murphys law on hunting???

10-16-2011, 12:02 PM
Well pa hunting season is moving along. Archery and now black powder. So far, I had deer walking to me on stand and oh oh, I forgot to turn cell phone to vibrate only...ring...guy that has not called in a month..off deer run...then next time, using radios because this guy hunting with wont spend $ on a cell phone..I keep radio in shirt pocket and down low but for some reason laid it on bag beside me, looked up, 2 deer walking 15 yds right at me, I aim xbow, wait for their turn broadside, shhhh..rick you there?..hey rick, answer radio..well the deer run off on that one..all day guy never spoke on radio other than quick contact points..murphys law? Only neede another 30 seconds..just yesterday, ticks were so bad while still hunting the windy day,I swear i removed total of 150 on me..and..at one point, stopped, started picking ticks off clothes, looked up at 2 deer 25 yds watching me...probably wishing they could do that..but never got shot at them..I wont shoot while they straight on..oh and hit a little twig once with arrow and I even had path cleaned out that spot..just guess had fallen during the night..lots other happenings too that I add to the murphys law thing...but is enough here..Want to get back out monday but not sure want to deal with the tick problem...removed one that burried in arm few days ago..didn't find that one soon enough..but..freezor empty, gotta work on that..maybe end up with side of beef instead of some speed beef....How are the ticks in your areas and how do you deal with them..I wash clothes in hot water (not suppose to kill them) but use borax..is suppose to help kill them...but the kicker is toss in dryer at hottest heat for over an hour...that is suppose to kill them on clothing..

Adam Helmer
10-16-2011, 05:14 PM

IF you were going to shoot PA does, then I am glad the deer got a reprieve the PA Game Commission CANNOT grant despite the $30 Million dollars+++ they got so far for Marcellas Gas drilling on Game Lands.

As an old farmer, I say we have too few PA deer and PGC sells Way TOO Many doe tags for $6 per dead doe! The PGC "Justifies" doe decimation in order to "regenerate tree seedlings." After the deer are gone, the ACID RAIN will ensure we have NO tree regeneration. The PGC should, but will not, lime the existing Game Lands because they are too intent on buying more land to Lease for Gas Exploration at $2,000 per acre.

P.S. Leave your phone and Radio ON and give the PA deer the break the PGC CANNOT, and WILL NOT, Grant because they feel compelled to "Stay The Course!"


10-16-2011, 07:29 PM
Adam, I am sure there are places in Pa and elsewhere far as that goes that the sale of doe licenses have in fact taken out the herd. We here in our local have places most of us will not hunt in order to 'bring back the herd' that has been taken out due not for the PGC sale of licenses but by people and I have run into a few that do not eat them but buy as many tags as can and have in fact wiped them out in that local. We here only remove 1 doe per hunter on a farm that is over run by them. We have one farmer that is alowed due to crop damage to just shoot as many as he wants and just tosses them in a heap and in that case, yes, we will remove one for consumption but only 1. We spread our areas by miles and have not hurt our population at all. In fact, I feed them and the turkey behind my house and have never hunted any of them there. I do buy as many tags as the pocket book will let me and have done so since we been able to purchase numerous tags. I only fill 2 or 3 to feed the family...PGC happy with the money, I happy because I removed to safe keeping a few doe tags....No, I don't go around blasting all the doe so the rest of you have nothing to shoot at as you make it sound. In fact, I am sure you never put any venison or any game in your freezor...you just buy tags and let them sit.....if you are interested, I can use a side of beef bought from one local farmer that has acres and acres of corn wasted he planted to feed those beef cows but the fields are just sitting because no corn left. I live in Beaver Co and borders Allegheny Co that anyone from this area can tell you, the deer are here but you are just not alowed to hunt any of them due to posted property. Even allegheny co never runs out of tags for sale and the numbers of deer are unreal. We manage our herds as best we can. Just think next time you are aiming your rifle at a critter. Hey, listen to this. One day on Christmas eve in fact, I was hunting under a pine in snow storm when 8 doe walked off the hill. 1 left the herd and walked right over to me, poked its head under the snow laden pine branches and as I could almost touch her snout, I just said..'Merry Christmas deer" and watched her leave. I know, sounds like something someone that blasts the deer population would do. Enough said

Adam Helmer
10-17-2011, 08:08 AM

Thanks for wise deer management. Here in northcentral PA, especially in 2G, the deer herd is gone. I agree with you that the urban areas of Philly and Pittsburgh have many more deer and fewer hunter access acres.


10-26-2011, 11:58 AM
State Deer managment is a misnomer. Here in FL we in NW FL begged the state to expand the doe season from 7 days to the entire season. We are up to our hip pockets in does. Well, they fixed the problem, changed the season from 7 days to 4 days. When asked why, the response was to blame hunters in the southern part of the state who wanted more deer to hunt. Of course we have 4 zones and we are in a totally different zone. But state logic is just their own peculiar logic. So due to the over brousing we have 90 pound deer running around starving, they look like German Shepard dogs with long legs.

I honestly think no one is actually watching the heards, they are just sitting in the capitol making stupid decisions based on stupid assumptions.