View Full Version : Shooting .270 Win. ammo in a .30-06

Gil Martin
10-23-2011, 08:32 PM
I was at the range and a fellow was complaining about the poor accuracy he was getting on a large target at 100 yards. I told him to check the scope rings and bases to be sure they were tight and they were. Then the action screws were examined and they were fine. I looked at the box of ammo and asked if he had ever had these problems with his .270 Win. He said he did not own a .270 and was shooting a .30-06. A friend gave him the factory ammo and he never checked it. The rifle was fine and I hope the shooter learned a lesson. All the best...

Adam Helmer
10-24-2011, 01:58 PM

I am saddened by such "Einstein Award" Nominees, who also are gun owners, because it sets us up for Mandatory Training! I know, similiar dufusses run lawn mowers, chainsaws and meat slicers, BUT no one challenges a person's right to own such implements.

Another Einstein Award scenario: Recently a fellow added gasoline to his DIESEL tractor down the road. He reported, "It made interesting noises when he started it up, but is quickly quit!" Again, people are responsible for their own actions. NO legislation will fix STUPID.


Mr. 16 gauge
10-24-2011, 03:15 PM
I used to work in an E.R., so I can tell you TONS of stories about dumbassedness....most started with "Here, hold my beer and watch this.....". However, there were some dumbasses out there who didn't require alcohol to do stupid things.
The related story just confirms my suspicion that the world is on a downward spiral into a sea of "more stupid".:rolleyes:

Adam Helmer
10-24-2011, 04:37 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I have seen more stupid with guns in my 66 years than I could type in the remaining years I have on Earth. The end result is that I practice 100% Situational Awareness which means I stay OFF public shooting ranges to the greatest extent possible!
My farm is posted and I stay within my lands. I still need to eject morons, but I never confront them at handshaking distance. I stay back 50+/- yards and always beside a large tree.

It is unfortunate that gun owners continue to give grist to the Anti-Gunners.


10-25-2011, 01:31 PM
I've seen this done once with a 9mm fired in a 40 cal glock, it would fire than jam up, After the 2nd jam, I pulled the mag on his gun and found 9mm instead of 40 cal. How it fired I still don't know.

10-25-2011, 04:29 PM
One of my favorites was the 7mm Express owners (yes, 280 Rem) and ask for a box of those 7mm shells. Unless it was a gun store I bet about 50% of them walked out with a box of 7mm Remington Mag's. Thankfully they wouldn't chamber.

Then again Iheard a shooter tell his buddy, hell if its fits shoot it. Wow was I out of there in a hurry.