View Full Version : Who carries a Backup handgun while hunting?
Adam Helmer
11-03-2011, 05:40 PM
A year, or two ago, I read a post somewhere where it stated a fellow rode up on a horse and addressed a deer hunter with a nice rifle. The horseman asked to see the rifle, so mope unloaded it and handed it over. The horseman asked, "Do you have any other guns?" The Mope said, "Nope." So the horseman rode away with a FREE Rifle!
Besides being my #1 Nominee for the 2011 Einstein Award, what else is wrong with this picture? Let us Review: #1 NEVER hand your deer rifle to a STRANGER! What part of stupid can we highlight here? #2 Be WARY of strangers, EVEN if they are on a horse! Few folks know how to spook a horse to retrieve a stolen rifle, so I will not attempt to educate the unknowing.
In the real world today we must be 110% on guard, especially when it comes to our guns afield or on the gun club range. I have ALWAYS carried a handgun afield while hunting with a rifle. There may be laws against this or that, BUT WHAT lawman went and recovered the horseman's FREE Rifle? I did not advertise the fact I had a revolver under my hunting gear, but rest asured NO man on horseback would have taken my deer rifle. Be part of the VICTIM or part of the solution, your call.
"Lemme see your gun, there fellow." Right, here it is.
Mr. 16 gauge
11-03-2011, 05:55 PM
I almost always carry a handgun while hunting......been threatened several times by bowhunters (of all people; rule #1: never bring a bow to a gun fight!), either threatening me or my dog. Also, there is a fair amount of "socially undesirables" running around in the woods, smoking cannibis (I'm sure they have a medical need:rolleyes:), disposing of their meth by products, poaching, dumping industrial waste, ect.
Usually I carry something similar to what I am carrying a rifle in, i.e. if I am carrying a .22 for squirrels, then my Ruger standard auto goes along. If I am bird hunting, then I am usually carrying my .357 or something similar.
About the only time I don't carry a side arm while hunting is when I am duck hunting.....federal law prohibits the taking of waterfowl with anything other than a shotgun or bow; I don't want any hassles.....although there has been quite a bit of smuggling of illegal aliens through the marshes that I hunt ducks in; Border patrol is almost a constant presence on the island anymore.
Might have to rethink that last part....maybe find something in Stainless or nickle, but carrying in and around water is a pain, esp. where chest waders are involved.
11-04-2011, 12:03 AM
I always carry a 1911 ..except when in the mountain country. I guess a 45 will kill a grizz..but I'd rather trust to my 41. We don't have too many druggers growin stuff in the mountains or even going up in the mountains
11-04-2011, 08:29 AM
I hardly ever carry a handgun when hunting. Its illegal during the archery season which is when I need it and never during the rifle or shotgun season. Its illegal to carry a hand gun in the Peoples Republic when deer hunting. When I hunt NH or ME is just more weight I have to carry. I have tried and it usually lasts a couple of day then the HG gets locked up and left in camp.
As far as seeing my rifle. No one will touch it ever. That includes Game Wardens. I almost came to blows with one over that once and he didn't end up touching it. They want to check for a empty gun and I alway pick it up, make sure it pointed away and jack the action then stick it in their face. Never had a problem, yet.
11-04-2011, 09:23 AM
Never leave home without it. Depends on what I carry as a main gun in the field also, so it might be anything from a 22 to a 445 Super Mag. Most times it is a 4 inch Smith 66 under the jacket if walking while hunting.
11-04-2011, 11:34 AM
A little S&W Model 60 with 3"barrel and adjustable sights is more or less a constant companion. Takes up little space, easily concealable (I am authorized), and efficient.
I too refuse to give up my rifle to anyone I don't personally know.
11-08-2011, 03:09 PM
While in the outdoors I carry my 6" GP100 .357 most of the time. Otherwise it's my Taurus .40 compact
11-09-2011, 08:28 AM
Guess my favorite to carry while hunting is my old Ruger Single Six in .32 H&R Mag. Mine has a 4 5/8ths" barrel, handloaded wadcutters are good for a squirrel or rabbit, jacketed HPs for what ever else.
Mr 16ga. If I hunted in your area, I'd carry one of my 1911s in 45acp. So far have not had that problem in areas I hunt here in Wis.
12-05-2011, 09:19 PM
I used to carry a handgun while hunting, but eventually decided it was just "extra weight." In 30+ years of hunting deer, elk, ducks, and upland birds I NEVER needed it.
When hunting, I'm either carrying a 12 gauge shotgun or a 30-06 rifle. Carting around a less powerful .357 and another size of ammo just doesn't make much sense. That's 2 extra pounds I can avoid.
I do carry when out hiking or dog training.
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