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View Full Version : Carrying in and around water?

Mr. 16 gauge
11-04-2011, 07:07 AM
From my earlier reference in the handgun thread....

I am primarily a duck hunter. In the area that I hunt, border patrol has had a lot of issues with illegal aliens coming through the marshes. Also, some of the other "hunters" are what I would deem a bit on the "socially undesirable" side of the coin.
Anyway, I am looking for opinions/thoughts re: carrying concealed in and around water. What type of firearm, what type of holster, holster material, ect.
Some of the problems are: rust, getting access to the gun quickly, and making sure that the gun doesn't rip my waders........cold water/hypothermia can kill rather quickly. I have a shotgun with me (obvioiusly), but during transport the gun must be in a case, and I keep mine in a floating gun case just in case the boat tips and gear goes overboard.
Anybody out there have experience, like Marine sherriffs patrol or some such thing? I carried my S&W M39 out while salmon fishing a few years back.....the perspiration from wearing neoprene waders caused the gun to rust quickly; I was quite upset. Stainless steel or nickle? I'm thinking leather holsters are out, because of the chemicals used for tanning, if wet, will speed up rust.....what about Kydex? Also, I'm worried that carrying on the hip will cause the gun's exposed hammer to tear into the neoprene, causing a hole. Shoulder carry is probably out, as there are too many straps, buckles, ect. with the waders, ammo carriers, duck straps, ect.
I know, it's a tall order to fill.......but I think my knowledgable group of friends here on HUNTCHAT can help me out.......please?

11-04-2011, 09:04 AM
this waterfowler carries constantly. when hunting i tell ppl a cal. a little larger than your street carry is advisable. if the villain is another hunter where 3 layers/waders, that little pocket 9 that i like on the street seems really small, i also bumped into a black bear at 10 foot in the dark one time, made the 9 look small also.. that being said i like a thumbreak holster. waders, well i havent figured out how to quickly access the gun yet. but as far as finish, the glock finish still looks like it did day one, after being along on 5 years of year round hunting. kt

11-04-2011, 09:45 AM
I live on the water, salt water. I am about 15 minutes from fishing in the Gulf. I went looking for a Smith model 66 four inch for my fishing and hunting gun. I found a 3 inch gun and a 4 inch barrel then changed out the 3 for the 4 in my shop. I added a set of Packmeyer signature grips, I have large hands.

I do not wear waders. I carry my 66 in an Andrews silicone treated leather cross draw rig. It fits in front of my left hip bone and allows my right hand to be free, plus keeps the hammer away from contacting my fishing rod, shotgun or rifle as I move. It is comfortable to walk or sit with. It is the open cross draw with suede lining below:


With chest waders I would probably go with a shoulder rig under the heavy over jacket. But the 66 would still be my first choice for weight, power and weather resistance.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-05-2011, 07:13 AM
I was a little spooked last night going back to the launch; got there and I was the only car parked there, no lighting (except for my headlamp and boat lights). Loaded up the dog and gear and went to the check station....closed! Went to the local market.....closed! Definetly plan on getting myself something for next year. Was sitting in my blind, thinking (not much else to do....ducks weren't flying well) and looking at my plastic stock on my shotgun and thinking "What about a Glock?"
So I think that I shall start another thread.........................;)

11-06-2011, 08:26 AM
My water carying pistol is a nickled 1911 in 38 Super. The other thing I carry in my truck is canned air, works well for blowing the moisture oue of all the nooks and crannies of a firearm.

Adam Helmer
11-06-2011, 10:39 AM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I carry a M1911 with AMT stainlesss frame and blued slide. I dropped it in the creek (shallow) once. I detail stripped her, dried and oiled it and am ready for the next dunking. My second choice would be my nickel Colt Cobra .38 Special. I would opt for a shoulder holster in your circumstances. It is not quick draw, but still accessible.
