View Full Version : Wisconsins' 9 Days of Madness

11-15-2011, 08:19 PM
Our deer season starts next Sat. and runs for 9 days. I will be one of the 650,000+ hunters out there. My first deer hunt was 60 years ago, doesn't seem possible. Now a days I just find a comfortable place to sit and mostly observe nature.

11-16-2011, 08:06 AM
Our madness starts the Monday after TGiving. Believe me its Orange all around or risk the chance of getting shot. I usually go a few time but go where the people aren't. Don't see much and even sometimes get a deer.

I do most of my deer hunting in the Burd's during the archery season. See a lot more deer and its about 30 minutes from my diggs.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-16-2011, 09:19 PM
Michigan's 16 days of madness started yesterday.......I'm so glad that I'm not as into it as I used to be....now a days, I'd rather chase ducks than bucks. I used to have private property to hunt, but the last few years I had it (before my aunt sold it), I spent more time chasing off trespassers than I did hunting, and it's no fun staring down the barrel of a deer rifle!
I used to enjoy our muzzleloading season....back before the proliferation of in-lines. I used to have oodles of state land all to myself during the muzzleloading season; never saw another hunter, even on state land. Now with every Tom, Dick, and Harry shooting an in-line (and thinking that it can kill at 200+ yards), deer season just isn't as important to me as it used to be.
I still go deer hunting from time to time, but it just doesn't have the importance to me that it used to.